Featured Image: Newspaper clip art by Petr Kratochvi SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net (Public Domain). “X” added by THEI.
From youtube uploaded by BackToConstitution
Published on Sep 27, 2013
This one will really fry your potatoes and I could not help swearing on this one When you hear what Feinstein did, you will swear too, even if you never swear!
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: The Current Move towards distroying the REAL free press
9/25/2013: Feinstein: First Amendment is a Special Privilege, Not a Right! (With Video) 9/19/2013: Freedom Of The Press For Everyone? No! Says Senators (Video Report) 9/17/2013: False Flag Legislation to Turn Free Speech Into a Privilege. (Video Report) 9/16/2013: Senate Moves Forward on Media Laws; Hayden Calls for Chinese-style Internet (Video Report)