Tag Archive for Batman and Robin Chapter 9

Saturday Night Drive-In Double Feature “Carny” Starring Gary Busey + Second feature Film & Selected Short Subjects

The feature film scheduled for tonight,  “The Party” starring Peter Sellers is unavailable at this time. We will continue our search and will feature it at a later date. I’m sure you will  not be disappointed with the replacement features, except for the fact that after you watch then, you’ll never go to the Carnival without an underlying alertness again. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


Published on Aug 16, 2015


Drive-in theater vintage short films – late 50s, early 60s – intermission, refreshments- cartoons!

Published on Jan 9, 2013

Drive-in movie theaters are a bygone venue of American entertainment. Most of them literally disappeared in the 1980s. This is a collection of short films designed to be shown in between features and short subjects. Lots of wacky late 50s- early sixties ads, some animated, and PSAs, etc……enjoy!

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