Tag Archive for Big Brother

Big Brother is Watching Update: FDA approves a pill that tells your doctor whether you’ve swallowed it or not

FDA approves a pill that tells your doctor whether you’ve swallowed it or not

Source:  / CARLA SINCLAIR / 10:59 AM TUE NOV 14, 2017

A new pill that tells your doctor whether you’re swallowing it or not has just been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

The pill – a new version of Abilify by Otsuka Pharmaceutical – will have a digestible sensor in it that will let a patch worn by the patient know when the pill is going down the hatch. . . . Read Complete Report


While Florida has the largest Facial recognition data base in the world which includes every Florida drivers licences in the state. Of course the naive sheeple will use the stock answer, “I don’t do anything wrong so It doses’t affect me.” Right.  The system makes more mistakes than fingerprints or DNA.

17 other states have these data bases also.  I’m sure all the other states are working on building their bases and will soon catch up to Florida. I’m also sure that in the not-to-distant future ever American will have their faces on a connecting data base somewhere. Who voted on this?

Another unconstitutionally invasion of your right to privacy implemented by the Shadow Government. . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw  



Published on May 14, 2017


Is your TV spying on you? For millions of viewers, the answer is YES!

Is your TV spying on you? For millions of viewers, the answer is YES!

Source: Newstarget  By: Jayson Veley Date: February 09, 2017



bigbrother SOURCE Mind Contol in AmericaIn 1949, author George Orwell published the now famous novel “1984,” in which he wrote about a “Big Brother” government that severely infringed on the rights and the privacy of the people. Today, with technology becoming more and more advanced and the federal government becoming increasingly intrusive, what was once just science fiction in a storybook is quickly becoming reality. . . . Complete report


Source YouTube ~ George Orwell Movie:”1984″

Dig Deeper: Big Brother ~ Conspiracy Boogie ~
Eyeballin’ the One World Order


1984 By George Orwell (1956 Cult Movie)

Featured Image: George Orwell press photo. Wikipedia (Public Domain).

youtube by havoctrend

1984 By George Orwell 1956 Version DVD (FULL)

bigbrother SOURCE Mind Contol in AmericaPublished on Aug 6, 2012

Nineteen Eighty-Four (mostly written 1984) is a 1948 dystopian fiction written
by George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair), about a society ruled by an oligarchical
dictatorship. The Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war,
pervasive government surveillance, and incessant public mind control. Oceania is
ruled by a political party called simply The Party. The individual is always
subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the
Party to manipulate and control humanity. In the Ministry of Truth, protagonist
Winston Smith is a civil servant responsible for perpetuating the Party’s
propaganda by revising historical records to render the Party omniscient and
always correct, yet his meager existence disillusions him to the point of
seeking rebellion against Big Brother

BONUS Movie:

youtube by Nik hil

Featured Image Animal Farm (1954) Movie Poster. (Fair Use)

 Animal Farm 1954 George Orwell (Animated)
Published on Jan 10, 2014

Animal Farm (1954) movie poster Fair Use

Animal Farm is a 1955 British animated film by Halas and Batchelor, based on the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. It was the first British animated feature to be released (Handling Ships, a Royal Navy training film, was produced earlier, but due to its purpose did not receive a formal theatrical release). The C.I.A. paid for the filming, part of the U.S. cultural offensive during the Cold War, and influenced how Orwell’s ideas were to be presented. The CIA initially funded Louis de Rochemont to begin work on a film version of Orwell’s work and he hired Halas & Batchelor, an animation firm in London that had made propaganda films for the British government.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “George Orwell” “Big Brother”

Big Brother Update: School Installs Biometric Scanning System

Featured Image: Big Brother poster. SOURCE Mind Control in America. (Fair Use)

The Blaze 

Why Some Nebraska Students Now Have to Give Their Fingerprints in the Lunch Line

Students at two schools in Nebraska no longer have to worry about losing their school lunch identification cards. All they need to pay for their lunch are their fingers.

Westside High School and Middle School introduced the new $55,000 biometric technology for the school lunch program Tuesday. Before that, students were issued ID cards that allowed them to pay for lunch but it sometimes took students a lot of time to get them out of their pockets while holding their lunch trays at the same time. In addition, they were often lost or left at home, Diane Zipay of Westside Nutrition Services said.

But, as Zipay pointed out, “They never lose their finger.” . . . Read Complete Report w/video.


Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Big Brother”

Techies Send Letter To Obama & Congress Demanding They Reel In Big Brother Surveillance State

Featured Image: Information Awareness Office logo. Source: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain). “The global surveillance disclosure refers to an ongoing series of news reports in the international media which revealed operational details regarding the US National Security Agency (NSA) and its international partners’ mass surveillance of foreign nationals as well as US citizens. The vast majority of reports emanated from a cache of top secretdocuments leaked by ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden. On June 6, 2013, the first of Snowden’s documents were published simultaneously by The Washington Post and The Guardian, attracting considerable public attention. . . . SOURCE: wikipedia

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M December 09, 2013 CNN

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Spying”

Protest in Washington – People Against NSA Spying – Back Off Big Brother (With Video Reports)

Featured image: Stop Watching Us logo. SOURCE: Stopwatching.us

From The Guardian

Thousands gather in Washington for anti-NSA ‘Stop Watching Us’ rally

Thousands gathered by the Capitol reflection pool in Washington on Saturday to march, chant, and listen to speakers and performers as part of Stop Watching Us, a gathering to protest “mass surveillance” underNSA programs first disclosed by the whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Billed by organizers as “the largest rally yet to protest mass surveillance”, Stop Watching Us was sponsored by an unusually broad coalition of left- and right-wing groups, including everything from the American Civil Liberties Union, the Green Party, Color of Change and Daily Kos to the Libertarian Party, FreedomWorks and Young Americans for Liberty. . . . Read Complete Report


From youtube uploaded by zaKTECH1  on Oct 25, 2013

Background: Stop Watching Us Eyes Big Rally Against NSA Surveillance (Q&A)

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M  October 26, 2013 NBC News



From youtube uploaded by ganaBs

Protesters rally in Washington against NSA surveillance

Published on Oct 26, 2013

Protesters critical of the US National Security Agency’s surveillance activity demonstrate in Washington DC on Saturday to demand a stop to government spying. The demonstration, which is expected to culminate with a march on the Capital, was organised by a diverse coalition called Stop Watching US. The NSA spying controversy has been growing amid revelations that the US monitored the phones of several world leaders, including German chancellor Angela Merkel.

From youtube uploaded by hacker95242

Protest in Washington – People Against NSA Spying – Back Off Big Brother

Published on Oct 26, 2013

NSA Backlash – Anti-Surveillance Rally Held In Washington

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Protest”

Big Brother Report: Naked Citizens – World (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by Journeyman Pictures

Published on May 7, 2013

For downloads and more information visit:http://www.journey.webbler.co.uk/?lid…

Anti-drone clothing to hide from Big Brother (Video Report)

Photo: Big Brother poster.  SOURCE Mind Control in America

From youtube  Uploaded by RTAmerica  Published on Jan 25, 2013

If You See This Google Warning, Act Fast: Big Brother is Watching

from Mercola

August 05 2012

By Dr. Mercola

Big Brother is watching. No kidding. And the warning is coming from none other than Google, which says government spies may be spying on you. Some believe the Google announcement may be related  to the recent discovery of the data-mining virus named “Flame.” In a June 3 New York Times article, Andrew Kramer and Nicole Perlroth write.

“When Eugene Kaspersky, the founder of Europe’s largest antivirus company, discovered the Flame virus that is afflicting computers in Iran and the Middle East, he recognized it as a technologically sophisticated virus that only a government could create. . . . Read Complete Report