Republican political leaders in Washington who condemned Obama’s plan to bomb Syria in 2013 are gung ho over President Trump’s bombing last week. Even “progressives” are jumping on the bomb band wagon. Are we all neocons now?
Featured image: Ist Boston Marathon bombing. Taken exactly 10 seconds after other pic I uploaded. Still no police, people helping wounded. One of a series of pix the FBI should see. Contrast, etc adj by me (d bowman) CREDIT: Aaron Tang SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution 2.0 Generic license. Public Domain).
Could the present administration be so busy perfecting their ability to gather information on all Americans they haven’t got the time or the equipment to search for the REAL radicals? . . . EDITOR
Featured Image: Aerial view ofAlfred P. Murrah Federal Buildingin Oklahoma City after bombing, 1995. CREDIT: US Army Corps of Engineers. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain).
Triggers pulled on 4th, 2nd & 1st Amendments distracted by flag waving; clunky FBI propaganda; and unleash the War on Bathtubs. Seek truth from facts with former Marine Corps officer James Fetzer, editor of Storyleak Anthony Gucciardi, the Corbett Report’s James Corbett, Questioning the War on Terror author Kevin Barrett, Boston eyewitnesses, and Fmr. Rep. Ron Paul. . . . Description published W/Video.
After two explosions went off at the finish line during Monday’s Boston Marathon, the tin-foil hat crowd wasted no time in taking to the internet to conjecture, insinuate, and fabricate a myriad of “possibilities” about what happened, who was behind it, and the motives for carrying out the attack.
Naturally, Info Wars led the charge, throwing up anything and everything that could possibly be seized on by conspiracy nuts, including an eyewitness account from a university cross country coach who for some reason thought it was odd that in the post-9/11 world that there were bomb-sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines at this major international event where tends of thousands of people gather. . . . Read Complete Report
My personal research has long pointed to involvement of our own government in the massacre that went down in Oklahoma City the morning of April 19, 1995. It is my belief the OKC bombing was part of a plan to discredit the Patriot Movement and paint us as a racist-skin-headed-gun-toting-fringe-lunatic-bunch. With the OKC bombing they added dangerous murderers & terrorists to that list.
With the help of the controlled main stream press the misguided souls in the far right-wing ” White Supremacist Groups became the same people involved in the peaceful “Patriot Movement” The OK tragedy worked just as the shadow government wanted it to. In one day the peaceful Patriot Movement was taboo, and good citizen’s dropped out like flies.
I also believe the intrusive so-called “Patriot Bill” was named such to symbolize a direct slap in the face of the original Patriot Movement folks who lost their growing voice and power on April 19,1995 in Oklahoma City . . . EDITOR
In a series of interviews with top OKC researchers, AMERICAN FREE PRESS asked if they thought there was direct government involvement in the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building.
OKC researcher John Kaminski answered: “Absolutely, yes.”
Hoppy Heidelberg stated that it was “one or more agencies within the government.”
Holland Vandenniewenhof, who co-wrote the script for A Noble Lie, revealed in a Jan. 17 interview: “Evidence points to the federal government running it and covering it up. Do I believe everyone in the government was involved? No, but a criminal faction within the government was.” . . . Read complete report