Tag Archive for boomerang

Large triangle objects reported over Arizona and California, Reexamining the Phoenix Boomerang, and the “Phoenix Lights” (full Documentry)

Photo: Image of the Phoenix Lights newspaper article from USA Today (Source)

from Explorer.com 

AUGUST 8, 2012


Witnesses in Arizona and California have reported seeing a “huge triangle” object moving across a dark sky on August 7, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFONetwork (MUFON) witness reporting database.

In Case 41541, a witness in Surprise, AZ, reported seeing an “extremely large black/dark triangle object with a light at each corner” about 9:30 p.m. (MST) that moved in a southwesterly direction and disappeared over the White Tank Mountains during a 10-minute observation. . . . Read Complete Report with Tracking Map


from The Object Report

Posted by at 4:54 PM

Hypothetical Origin of the Unidentified “Phoenix Boomerang” Craft

One possible configuration of the huge “boomerang” shaped craft seen by hundreds of people in multiple states over the past decade. (download full sized image)

The TR6 “TELOS” is designed for use as a transatmospheric, low observable reconnaissance platform with global reach and a long loiter time over target. Employing active electromagnetic, electronic and visual camouflage it is able to penetrate all currently known defensive systems from transorbital height. . . . Read Complete Report


from youtube

The Phoenix Lights [UFO Documentary / Full Movie]

Uploaded by  on Jul 29, 2011

“The Phoenix Lights Documentary – New Anniversary Edition” (2005, 2008)

Celebrating the historic and still unexplained Arizona mass sighting of 1997. Executive producer, writer, director & key witness, Lynne D. Kitei, M.D., in collaboration with producer & cinematographer, Steve Lantz, share riveting NEW data and personal interviews in this updated version of the internationally critically acclaimed and award winning Documentary.
During the evening of March 13, 1997, . . . From Text posted with video on youtube