Tag Archive for Boston Marathon Bombing

Dave Hodges: ‘We Are in Phase One Martial Law’

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From IntelliHub By Shepard Ambellas | November 3, 2013 | 11:35pm EST

Welcome to “phase one” martial law in America, at least that’s what Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show said in a recent interview with Kate Zickel on The Voice of Russia – American Edition.

 (INTELLIHUB) — Dave Hodges, the host of the Common Sense Show stated during an interview that he believes “that Boston (referring to the Boston Marathon Bombing) was a dry run for martial law procedures”, continuing on to say how we are already in “phase one martial law”. Even demonstrating to the audience that “strip malls” and sports stadiums will be transformed into FEMA camps during times of unrest.  . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Martial Law”

Boston Bombing, another False Flag incident? (Video Reports)

from youtube uploaded by conservitusprime

Listen UP

Published on Apr 17, 2013

Go a Little Deeper: 4/15/13 A New Conspiracy Boogie? White House Civil War? (Video Report)


From youtube uploaded by conservitusprime

5-man Special Ops team carried the bombs

Published on Apr 17, 2013

Photo: The Punisher Log

Source: www.seeklogo.com

The Punisher logo SOURCE  Seeklogo

Wow… I have to admit… it sure looks like Devgroup (SEAL Team 6) or Delta.
1 white-haired old dude was the handler or “6”. 4 EXTREMELY BUFF dudes, 2 thinner and very tan as if they just came back from desert duty. Desert boots. Tactical pants. Brand new backbacks. One has an ankle holster under his pants. Trademark special ops beards seen. One wears the beloved “punisher” comic book character symbol often seen associated with the Navy SEALs. Tactical headsets. . . . Posted with video.


From youtube uploaded by Ron Gibson·

INFOWARS Nightly News: With Alex Jones Monday, April 15 2013: Boston Marathon Bombing

Published on Apr 15, 2013

Extended Commercial Free Coverage of Boston Marathon Bombing: