Tag Archive for Causes

‘Impeach Obama’ protest causes giant Southern California traffic jam

Featured Image: Southern California Traffic Jam.Source: http://www.browndoggerz.com/adventure/07_14/traffic.jpg (FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY)

From Examinor.com  JUNE 9, 2013 BY: 

TEA Party sponsored “Impeach Obama” demonstration on a major Southern California freeway overpass caused traffic to backup at least ten miles, as the organizer apologized for “any small inconvenience” drivers may have dealt with, as reported by the San Diego-based local news portal the Carlsbad Patch on June 9, 2013.

Flying a number of American flag as well as the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party-adopted Gadsen flag, protesters flashed to motorists on the Interstate 5 southbound lanes in Carlsbad, California placards stating “Remember Benghazi,” “Obama Lies” and “Amnesty Hell No!” . . . Read Complete Report w/slide show

Highway Protest Causes Traffic Jam (+) PROOF That Media Opinions Are Bought And How To Creatively Fight Back (Video Reports)

from youtube uploaded by NEWSDELL

Highway Protest Causes Traffic Jam

Published on Mar 11, 2013

protesters cause massive traffic jam (01:05). Protesters slow to a crawl on a Detroit freeway to raise awareness about the city’s need for an emergency …

from youtube uploaded by LeeCamp2

PROOF That Media Opinions Are Bought And How To Creatively Fight Back

Published on Mar 27, 2013

Detroit has undergone a coup. PLUS new proof comes out that far right-wing front groups are purchasing the opinions of media talking heads. AND I go over ways to fight back. Here are the sources for the info: http://bit.ly/ZlCcZ0