Featured Image: Photo: Distinguished Warfare Medal. (the “A lmost Medal”) Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta has approved the Distinguished Warfare Medal, designed to recognize service members directly affecting combat operations who may not even be on the same continent as the action. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
We should have a “They Almost Got Away With It” file for reports like this. . . EDITOR
From Space Wars by Staff Writers Washington (AFP) April 15, 2013
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Monday cancelled a new combat medal for US troops who launch drone strikes or cyber attacks after a torrent of criticism from veterans and lawmakers.
Hagel opted to scrap the new “Distinguished Warfare Medal” for a pin or device that could be added to existing medals to recognize service members operating unmanned aircraft or cyber weapons, Hagel said in a statement. . . . Read Complete Report
It is expected to be the mother of all cyber diplomatic battles.
When delegates gather in Dubai in December for an obscure UN agency meeting, fighting is expected to be intense over proposals to rewrite global telecom rules to effectively give the United Nations control over the Internet.
Russia, China and other countries back a move to place the Internet under the authority of the International Telecommunications Union, a UN agency that sets technical standards for global phone calls.
U.S. officials say placing the Internet under U.N. control would undermine the freewheeling nature of cyberspace, which promotes open commerce and free expression, and could give a green light for some countries to crack down on dissidents. . . Read Complete Report
UN Internet Control Coming Soon – WCIT 12 – Part 1
Published on Oct 16, 2012
UN Internet Control Coming Soon – WCIT 12
Next Vid will explain everything and where we currently really stand… I am not completely done researching it and I know a lot of people wont watch a long vids so this is a clip for those of you who just want a quick summary…