Moving forward with articles for our ‘Robots Replacing Humans’ archives. . . EDITOR
from Science Daily
Robotics Integrated With Human Body In Near Future? Technology Gulf Between ‘Have’ And ‘Have Nots’ Predicted By 2020
ScienceDaily (Dec. 8, 2008) — Spanish researchers have carried out a study looking into the potential future impact of robots on society. Their conclusions show that the enormous automation capacity of robots and their ability to interact with humans will cause a technological imbalance over the next 12 years between those who have them and those who do not. . . . Read Complete Report
Automation Systems Become Flexible When Robots Make Their Own Decisions
ScienceDaily (Dec. 5, 2012) — Researchers at University West in Sweden have created an automation system where machines and robots make their own decisions and adapt to external circumstances. They continue to work even when something goes wrong. You can reprogram them every day and easily vary equipment and manufactured products.