Tag Archive for delegates banned

Ron Paul delegates banned from RNC (video reports)

Seems like the whole goal of the controllers is to have 4 more years of leftist agenda. We need a libertarian in there. Until we have that… let the hairy side drag.  . . . EDITOR

from youtube

Ron Paul delegates banned from RNC

Published on Jun 26, 2012 by 

Seventeen Ron Paul delegates from Massachusetts have been disqualified from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. The motion comes after the 17members refused to sign an affidavit that would back Mitt Romney at the RNC.Never in the history of the party have delegates been required to sign the document,so why now? Austin Petersen, director of production for Freedom Works, joins us for more. . . . Posted with video to youtube


from youtube

Ron Paul delegate Anthony Antonello vents on the RNC

Published on Aug 30, 2012 by 

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And on to the Democrat Convention,  This should be interesting, see ya there . . . EDITOR