Tag Archive for Earth

THEI Eyeballs The Earth ~ Has the True Shape of the Planet Been Discovered? Part 6: Flat Earth Theory: Rebuttal

The Following Rebuttal to the the curvature of the earth question in the Flat Earth Theory was posted as a comment to our ongoing series: THEI Eyeballs The Earth ~ Has the True Shape of the Planet Been Discovered? Part 5: Flat Earth Theory: Under the Dome  by our own webpage maintainer Rick Osmon.

I felt that to be fair to those presenting the different theories that it should be brought to the main body of our research.

Also  represented are links to other studies THEI has presented from the past of the same study as to curvature.  We do not present many comments in the pages of THEI (although we read every one) because we have too many trolls trying to cause confusion as regards to our controversial subject matter.  THEI is designed to present different ideas not argue them, however in this case we are opening this subject, the curvature of the earth, to anyone who wants to respond.  Looking forward to your comments. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.

P.S. If you do not want to comment, but you have a video or link to send us on the subject you can send it to my e-mail address; denniscrenshaw@gmail.com.

First a quick look:

Show me the curvature [X] Done 2

Published on Jul 16, 2017

The original shot was taken from Soundlys: ‘Lake Pontchartrain Transmission Lines Nikon P900 (3/3)’ https://youtu.be/kADO7nkt-rk

Continue on Page 2>>>

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THEI Eyeballs The Earth ~ Has the True Shape of the Planet Been Discovered? Part 4: Gravity

Educational Material

THEI Eyeballs the Earth ~ Has the Shape of the Planet Been Discovered? The Series


THEI Eyeballs the World Part 1:  The Tamarack Mines Mystery & Cyrus Teed’s Rectilineator


THEI Eyeballs The Earth Part 3:  Has the True Shape of the Planet Been Discovered? Part 3: Lets go Flat Out (Scientifically)

Subterranean World Series:
THEI Returns to the Subterranean World Part 1 : Teotihuacan “The Place Where The Gods Were Created”

The Myth of Gravity

As with many things we eyeball here at THEI the elitist financed establishment scientific community knows little if anything about the so called “scientific” force know as gravity.  But as with other scientific explanations about our universe they pretend to know stuff.  Most of it is conjecture or theory. Yet they never admit these facts.  When you read of their “findings” thy never use the words” it is believed” or “the theory is”.  Instead they present their presumptions as fact.  The following “accepted” videos about gravity proves my point. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Science lesson — Gravity

YouTube ~

Published on May 30, 2016

For teachers and students for an understanding of gravity

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Life Might Exist At The Deepest Point On Earth, And What That Means For Aliens On Mars

Life Might Exist At The Deepest Point On Earth, And What That Means For Aliens On Mars

Featured Image: The Mariana Trench by by J.Sun. Fair Use.

International Business Times  ON


Scientists may have found evidence of life underneath the deepest point in the ocean, and that could be good news for anyone hoping to discover aliens on other planets.

It’s not life forms themselves that the researchers dug up, rather it is organic matter that could have been created by a microbe of some kind. They found those traces in samples of rock that came from a point beneath the seafloor near the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, the lowest underwater point on Earth. “We cannot pinpoint the exact origin of the organic matter,” their study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says, but it is entirely possible that life exists down there. . . Read Complete Report w/video

Diagram Source: Wikipedia ~ Mariana Arc

Cross section of the Mariana Arc showing the Mariana Trench. The diagram was generated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration following the 2004 Pacific Ring of Fire expedition.

Dr. Robert W. Embley—PMEL/NOAA


“The Deepest Place On Earth” Amazing Full Documentary 2015

Featured Image: Map of the Mariana Trench. Credit: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.  Attribution: I, Kmusser SOURCE: Wikipedia. (CC BY 2.5)

Best if viewed in FULL SCREEN Mode. Enjoy!. . .EDITOR

youtube by ncredible Videos HD

Published on Jan 25, 2015

Suscribe For More Amazing Videos !!

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive ~ Another view “Expanding Earth Theory”          “Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds”

THEI Headline of the Century! Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth

Featured Image: Hollow Earth diagram. Credit: Max Fyfield. Used with permission. 

Submitted by long time Hollow Earth Insider ‘Jeff’

Over the past 25 years I, along with many other researchers from around the world, have been investigating the centuries old belief that INSIDE our earth was an ancient world. The two underworld theories we have been looking at for a possible answer are known as the Hollow Earth Theory (THEI) and passed down from generation to generation oral legends of Subterranean Worlds and the giants and small people that come to the surface from time to time….

As we here at THEI have been noticing and posting for a long time; there have been scientific findings that have caused the corporate funded establishment scientists to have to make drastic changes to wiggle any new scientific information to “fit” the accepted theory of the makeup of our earth.

The belief that the deeper you go the hotter it gets. . .  or the one that the pressure will crush you. Both of these beliefs can be scientifically challenged. And as we learn more and more about our strange, mysterious planet and the underground that exist right below our feet, the information causes the establishment scientists, to struggle to try to make the new findings fit into the accepted theory of the make-up of our planet.

volii-6-a.jpgImage: Cover of Vol. 2 #6 The Hollow Earth Insider. Credit: Max Fyfield. Source: THEI Archive. 

Yet, strangely, these same new findings seen to fit right into the Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds

An example is the report we published just 3 days ago, Hollow Earth Theory MAJOR UPDATE: Inner Ocean Found! in which we reported on the finding of an Ocean, “a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over”, inside our Earth.

Now, just 3 days later, this piece of amazing info which should add validity to the ancient worlds theories . . . or at least change the direction of scientific study about the makeup of earth. . . or, probably not.

Maybe we can watch as the controllers zombie’s try some kind of smoke and mirrors like they did when they tried to  turn the inner sun into a planet . a “planet within a planet” they called the core.  I still Shake my head when I think of that. The damn core gives off heat and light and its spinning freely of the earth.  Look in any dictionary. The core is actually a small inner sun. It’s really a “Sun within the planet”. Why wan’t the controllers yes men Admit it. . .Anyway, enough ranting.

But I will say that to us here at The NEW Hollow Earth Insider this will be the headline of the 21st.Century. It’s been a long time coming.  Rejoice Dear Hearts! . .  EDITOR


From The Mind Unleashed by  on 24 June, 2014 at 21:52

Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth

A team of Harvard scientists may have found an indication that a portion of an ancient Earth exists inside our planet’s mantle.

A study presented at the Goldschmidt conference in Sacramento, California, claims that the previously inexplicable isotope ratio from the depths of the Earth may be an “echo” of the ancient Earth that existed before the collision with another celestial body, which is estimated to have led to the formation of the Moon 4.5 billion years ago. . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive: A different Theory “Expanding Planet”

 “Science”  “Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds”


The Deepest Place On Earth- Full Documentary

Featured Image:Map showing the location of the Mariana Trench, designed as a replacement for en:Image:Mariana_trench_location.jpg. Attribution: I, Kmusser Source: Wikipedia Commons This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.

by EducationalDocumentary Published on Apr 23, 2014

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Oceans Deep”


25 Strangest Prehistoric Creatures To Roam The Earth

Featured Image: Plate ca. 1544 depicting various sea monsters; compiled from the Carta Marina. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

From youtube uploaded by list25

Published on Sep 23, 2013

Tweet this video! – http://clicktotweet.com/E_Bqc

The world is cluttered with so many different creatures — some cute, some scary and some just plainly bizarre. However, the animals of today have nothing on the creatures that lived on Earth during prehistoric times. From miniature bird looking rodents to the behemoths beneath the waves, these are the 25 strangest prehistoric creatures to roam the Earth.

The ‘TAL’ Zone Report #4: DRAGONS IN THE SKY


Weekly Underground Report #4

In report #3 ‘TAL’ touched on the Electric Universe and plasma physics. In this weeks report we look at an upcoming celestial happening that could be the sighting  of the century, the coming of Comet ISON.” Of course I’m going down on record as a skeptic because I’m old enough to remember the hype around Comet Kohoutek.

What will happen during the close passing of Earth by this celestial object is an unknown. However if what happened during the comet’s passing of Mars is any indication, it caused the entire planet to glow with plasma. We might be in for a wild, possibly dark ride.Then there are the mythical connections.  ‘TAL’ gives us an insight into upcoming possibilities. . . EDITOR

Comet-Hale-Bopp-29-03-1997_hires_adj CREDITPhilipp Salzgeber SOURCE Wikipedia Commons Public Domain
Image: Photo of the comet Hale-Bopp above a tree. This picture was taken in the vicinity of Pazin in Istria/Croatia during a short Easter holiday. The tree was illuminated using a small flashlight. To the lower right of the comet the Andromeda Galaxy M31 is also faintly visible. CREDIT: Philipp Salzgeber. Philipp Salzgeber released the pictures under CC-BY-SA-2.0-AT, see bottom of http://salzgeber.at/astro/. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (For ILLUSTRATION ONLY)
Welcome to . . .
The ‘TAL’ Zone

Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL”

First we need to familiarize ourselves with what is known about Comet Ison’s travels through our galaxy as it heads towards our bright blue planet.

From UFO Sightings Hotspot:

Comet ISON and Mercury’s Electrical Phenomenon 2013

Mercury_in_color_-_Prockter07_centered SOURCE NASA Public Domain

Geologists estimate that Mercury’s iron core occupies about 42% of its volume and it has a large magnetic field, for Earth this iron core proportion is 17%. Earth however is denser overall.

Mercury’s core has a higher iron content than that of any other major planet in the Solar System. Mercury’s core makes it the most iron-rich planet in the solar system, with iron accounting for 65-70% of the planet’s mass. This should allow us from Earth to see unprecedented Magnetic Field interactions between Comet ISON, Mercury and our Sun (November 12-18, 2013.) . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by David Stig Hansen on Oct 14, 2013

Comet ISON and Mercury’s Electrical Phenomenon Nov 12-18 2013 Return of Mythical Plasma Dragons

From youtube uploaded by David Stig Hansen on Oct 17, 2013

Comet ISON: Electric Phenomenon Prediction on Oct 19-21 2013 Mars Earth Sun T-Junction

Earth CREDIT Credit Image by Norman Kuring, NASA GSFC, using data from the VIIRS instrument aboard Suomi NPP. Public Domain

The comet will pass it’s closest to Earth on December 26th. On that day it passes our planet by a mere 42 million miles give or take a few thousands. How will it affect our world? First let us take a look at what the controlled MSM is saying. From the Fox Network:

2013 MASSIVE Asteroid Pass By Earth! Will It Impact?

From youtube uploaded by nemesis maturity


Published on Oct 31, 2013

Comet ISON Update: October 31,2013
Comet ISON (C/2012 S1)
Constellation: Leo
Magnitude: 8.59
Distance from Sun: 153,310,214 km [41.2 km/s]
Distance from Earth: 188,887,782 km [49.1 km/s]
Perihelion: 28 Nov 2013 [-28d 9h 53m 35s] .m,lk . . . From description uploaded with video.

But that’s only a part of what many believe is coming with this comet . From the highly religious we include this youtube report downloaded by the TriState MinistryCenter:

Warning To The World – Comet ISON

And then there is this report posted on youtube by myiceman69:


And of course the worst scenario as in these calculations uploaded to youtube by  djorbitek.

Comet ISON to hit Planet Earth

 One place we should not forget to look when we are studying the heavenly bodies is the mythical past. A great place to get a quick understanding of that angle is the youtube movie uploaded by the ThunderboltsProject.

 Symbols of an Alien Sky | Official Movie

Published on Dec 4, 2012

Here we offer David Talbott’s first glimpses of celestial dramas in ancient times. Just a few thousand years ago a gathering of planets hung as towering forms in the ancient sky close to the earth, provoking spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears.

More to Come . . . You are leaving the ‘TAL’ Zone. 

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “The ‘TAL’ Zone”


Journey down a Volcano INTO The Earth (With Video)



Featured Image: Map in french of the volcanic system of Iceland. CREDIT: Volcanic_system_of_Iceland-Map-fr.svgPinpin derivative work: Chris.urs-o (talk) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported2.5 Generic2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license).

Submitted by ‘TAL’


Is this the place Jules Verne was thinking of in “Journey to the Center of the Earth” ?

From Inside the Volcano


“Thrihnukagigur volcano is dormant – it last erupted over 4,000 years ago. There are no indications of it erupting again in the near future. The volcano’s name, mostly unpronounceable for anyone other than locals, would be directly translated as ‘Three Peaks Crater’. The name comes from Árni B. Stefánsson, who was the first to explore the vault and who has pleaded the case for making it accessible for years.

“The beauty of the crater mostly consists in the various colourations found inside it and its enormous – and to some extent intimidating – size. To put it in context, the ground space is equivalent to almost three full-sized basketball courts planted next to each other and the height is such that it would easily fit full sized Statue of Liberty into the chamber. So make no mistake – it’s huge!” . . . Go to web page

NOTE: Booking have now stopped for 2013.  We will start booking in January for 2014. The tour in to Thrihnukagigur Volcano is operatad by 3H Travel, a licenced tour operator in Iceland.

Inside the Volcano Photo Gallery


From youtube uploaded by Torfinn Rosfjord

Journey into a volcano in Iceland

Published on Jul 11, 2013

In June 2013 I went to Iceland and took a trip inside a volcano! Its the only place on earth you can do this and they started with excursions in 2012. So when I went down I joined the group of only 2400 people in the world that have been inside an volcano. To put that in perspective, As of January 3, 2013, only 530 people are known to have gone into space according to the FAI guideline. And that’s Awesome!

songs from Mass Effect 3 OST

Earth 2100 – Full Documentary / Movie Full HD

Featured image: exploding planet. SOURCE: wpclipart.com (Public-Domain).

From youtube uploaded by HDdocumentaryChannel on Jul 22, 2013