Gun Control: Thoughts on the coming Ammo Ban

Featured Image: Proposed banned ammo by Obama using Executive Action; 5.56×45mm NATO with measurement, left to right: bullet, empty case, complete round with bullet in case. Credit: Clément Dominikw:de:Bild:GP90.jpg Source: Wikipedia. (CC BY-SA 3.0).

UPDATE: 3/10/15 Failed!

youtube by Mass Tea Party Published on Mar 2, 2015

 Pres Obama To Ban AR-15 Bullets By Executive Action – Andrew Napolitano – Stuart Varney

youtube by TiborasaurusRex

BREAKING – AR-15 AMMO BAN! Best 2nd Amendment RANT EVER

Published on Feb 28, 2015

The ‘Powers that be’ are SMOKING CRACK again as the BATF is moving to BAN commercial 5.56mm (.223) rifle ammo. The widely popular M855 62 grain green tip ammo is under fire this week as is subject to being redesigned by the BATF as armor piercing under the old 1968 Gun Control Act definition. Pro-gun advocates are insisting the M855 cartridge is a legitimate sporting round while the pajama wearing, cheeto munching, Constitution-shredding commies insist they are forged by the devil himself. What is REALY going on here? Rex sorts it all out and brings the TRUTH to the table of discussion – straightway!

youtube by Roqe Junior Published on Mar 2, 2015

The Common Sense Video Gun Grabbers Don’t Want You To See

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive: “Gun Control”

Obama Looking To Raise Taxes Through Executive Action ~ Federal Control of local law Enforcement

youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Mar 4, 2015

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is “very interested” in the idea of raising taxes through unitlateral executive action.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Executive Action”

EXECUTIVE ACTION (1973) FULL MOVIE (JFK Assassination Conspiracy movie)

Featured Image: JFK motorcade, Dallis Texas, Nov. 22 1963 SOURCE:Library of Congress. (Public Domain)

Long before Oliver Stone and his blockbuster “JFK” there was this ‘sleeper’ starring Burt Lancaster. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by FREEDOMFIRSTFILMS

Published on Oct 7, 2012

A very revealing look at the many on record unusual events and speculation surrounding the assassination of JFK and the likely course of action that led to it at the behest of the Upper Elite. JFK was a real threat to the New World Order. . . . From Description published w/video.