Tag Archive for explains

Black conservative explains switch to GOP: ‘I was lied to for so many years’

Featured Image: Slave transport. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public-Domain) 

From Overpasses for America 26Dec2013 The Minuteman

Wayne Dupree was not always a conservative activist. In fact, for a “long, long, long time,” the man known to his fans as the “News Ninja” voted Democrat and believed the narrative espoused by the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their ilk.

In his latest video, Dupree explained that he once believed that the “white man was keeping us down and we need to do something,” but once he realized the historical and contemporary truth about the Democratic party, he was angered. . . Read Complete Post

From youtube uploaded by newsninja2012

Published on Dec 26, 2013

12/26/13 – More News and Video at http://newsninja2012.com or www.waynedupree.com

THEI Multi Video Special Report: Eyeballin’ the Rogue World of the CIA ~ More

This is one page I’d hope those of you who like what we’re doing here at THEI would pass along to others you feel might like what we are doing also. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by on Jul 8, 2010

Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite!

From youtube updated by The Film Archives

the Run from the CIA: The Experiences of a Central Intelligence Agency Case Officer

Published on Jun 22, 2012

Agee stated that his Roman Catholic social conscience had made him increasingly uncomfortable with his work by the late 1960s leading to his disillusionment with the CIA and its support for authoritarian governments across Latin America. He and other dissidents took encouragement in their stand from the Church Committee (1975-76), which cast a critical light on the role of the CIA in assassinations, domestic espionage, and other illegal activities.

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M

“The CIA Is Nothing More Than A Front For Global Gansters!” CIA’s Role In The Syrian Conflict

Published on Mar 27, 2013

March 27, 2013 C-SPAN


“Education”    “CIA”          “NSA”

Military-Industrial Complex”

“Federal Reserve Scam

“Cuba”             “Fighting Back”

Mankind from Mars? New theory explains (Video Report)

Featured Image: The Planet Mars. CREDIT: NASA. (Public Domain)

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Sep 1, 2013

Earlier this week, new research at the 2013 Goldschmidt Conference in Italy introduced the idea that billions of years ago Mars was a better place to form the building blocks of life than the planet Earth. RT’s Meghan Lopez has more on the new theory.