Rick Osmon
Nov 3rd, 2012
This just isn’t right! I was rooting for the bird…
We’ve all heard tales of it raining frogs or fish or even stones, but this one is a tad bit different. This makes the phrase “golf course hazard” take on a much more ominous tone: Aerial Shark Attack!
Shark Falls from Sky Onto Golf Course?
By Life’s Little Mysteries Staff | LiveScience.com – Wed, Oct 24, 2012
At the San Juan Hills Golf Club in southern California, course hazards include sand traps and falling sharks.
Or they did on Monday (Oct. 22) afternoon, when a 2-foot-long, live leopard shark apparently plummeted from the sky and landed very close to the 12th tee box at the San Juan Capistrano, Calif., course.
The writhing fish out of water was discovered by an on-duty course marshal, who acted fast to save the shark, according to theCapistrano Dispatch.
Read the rest HERE