Tag Archive for fraud

THEI Eyeballs Puerto Rico: Remain a Territory, Become the 52nd State or become an Independent Country?


Source: The Hill


Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly in favor of statehood on Sunday in a referendum that begins the steps toward sending representatives to Washington, D.C.

According to The Wall Street Journal, 97 percent of voters chose statehood, though turnout was only about 23 percent. One-and-a-half percent voted for independence from the United States, according to Decision Desk HQ, while 1.3 percent voted to keep the current status of a territory of the United States. . . Read Complete Report

Puerto Rico Votes to Become a State

David Pakman Show

Published on Jun 13, 2017

Why is Puerto Rico not part of the United States of America?

Published on Mar 31, 2017

Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States of America? She sits in an in-between limbo, neither a state or an independent nation. So how did Puerto Rico become owned by, but not part of America?

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‘Birthers’ Vendicated: The Forged Document that refuses to go away

I have been a proud “Birther” since day one. . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

UPDATE: 3/24/17

birth4Is this Obama’s real Birth Certificate?  I don’t know and I am willing to wait until all the facts are in.  But I feel that we should all at least look into the possibilities. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw 

See all the Kenyan Documents in larger format @ The Power Hour Website


Arpaio Drops Nuclear Bomb On Obama! Birth Certificate100% Fraud! AG Sessions Will Investigate!

Published on Dec 15, 2016
They found the source document! Game Over! This was all orchestrated! Trump knew this was coming and that’s why he stayed out of it! Arpaio was one of the first people Trump met with when he announced he was running. Jerry Corsi of WND showed Arpaio things that shocked him. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks. Arpaio’s goal is not to expose everything he has, but to just get it in the hands of Congress and the State Department. Trump has been aware of this for years. I can’t wait to see if Trump even responds. Probably not, just like with Hillary Trump is keeping his distance and will let AG Jeff Sessions do the work! Trump is finally getting vindication. I examined the document myself when it was first released and having a very strong background in graphics and font designs, it was clear the document was a fraud! In fact, the forgery was so bad that anyone with average knowledge of graphics and the history of how fonts evolved would clearly see the multitude of errors! It is important to note that Arpaio is not even touching the issue of where Obama was born. He just wants to prove that a crime was committed and Obama was involved. This will allow new AG Jeff Sessions to go after Obama without having to deal with the pushback from the black community and liberal media. Trump was forced to say that Obama was born in America so that he could continue with the primaries without distraction! 40 year document expert Reed Hayes testified that the document is absolutely fraudulent! Independent document experts in Italy also verified that the document is a fraud! This evidence could never make it to a judge because no one had standing in any of the cases according to the Courts! Description of Video

WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama’s Birth Certificate. 

YouTube ~ Posted by FOX 10 Phoenix Published on Dec. 15, 2016

OBAMA’s LAST PRESS CONFERENCE BLOWS UP W BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGERY!         NOT by the controlled press!  No surprises here. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

YouTube ~ Posted by

Published on Dec 17, 2016
OBAMA’s LAST PRESS CONFERENCE BLOWS UP W BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGERY! The Cold Case Collusion of Truth Obama handed out a Digitized Fabricated Forgery not a copy of an Original and the Forgers Source Document is a Digitalised Finger Print. The video emphasis the Last Press Conference in total delusion the forensic evidence of Obama’s Birth Certificate released just the day before this Press Conference. Why no Media Questions? You be the Judge of what is staged and what is not.
We encourage everyone to spread this far and wide and also don’t forget to send a copy to your State U.S. Representatives and State U.S. Senator asking them if Crime is ok?

Dr Manning explains how Obama’s forged birth certificate is connected to Andrew Breitbart’s death.

YouTube ~  Posted by LoneStar1776

Is the following Birth Certificate presented by Malik Obama as the real deal true? One thing we do know is the Hawaiian one put up on Obama’s website ain’t. We gotta wait and see as we continue to follow this story. . . Your Editor. . . Dennis Crenshaw


WOW: Malik Obama Releases Barack Obamas Real Birth Certificate!!!

YouTube ~ Posted by Golden State Times

Dig a Little DEEPER: Obama Birth Certificate

Several High-Ranking Congressman Now Involved In Obama ID Fraud Investigation (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReport on Jul 22, 2013

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER THEI Archive: “Following Obama’s Birthgate Crimes”

UPDATE 6/29/13: The Continuing Obama Birthgate Crimes Investigation (Video Reports)

It’s going to be fun waiting and watching just to see how long the Controllers main stream media talking heads can keep this story off the idot box. And the fun part is Knowing, no matter how bad they want to black list this story, sooner or later they will have to start reporting on it.

If I was a gambling man I’d start a pool as to when they will FINALLY have to wake American’s up to  know just what kind of man the majority of American’s put in the White House not once but twice.

Obama -  flag

Where our country is in DEEP DO-Do is the fact that a large group of American’s think that the trickster in the White House is Jesus Christ the 2nd and can do no wrong. When the Obamabot zombies hear what has been found out about “Mister Bones”, no matter the scope and amount of evidence, they will NOT be able to weigh the evidence rationally, and I believe they will become violant. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom·


1: Team Arpaio: Rep. Stockman Meeting; Federal Law Violated In Obama ID Fraud Scandal

Published on Jun 28, 2013

1: Team Arpaio: 6/28/2013 – http://www.BirtherReport.com –http://www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

2: Team Arpaio: Rep. Stockman Meeting; Federal Law Violated In Obama ID Fraud Scandal

Published on Jun 28, 2013

HEADS UP! TODAY! LIVE! 6/28/13: Sheriff Joe To Address Obama ID Fraud Investigation

Featured Images: (Main photo) Sheriff Joe VS (insert)  “Mister Bones” Obama. SOURCES: (Public Domain)  

UPDATE: Listen Live: Congressman Stockman And Sheriff Joe Talk Obama ID Fraud Investigation – STREAM HERE.

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

Listen LIVE! TODAY! 6/28/2013 ~ 5 PM Eastern time – 7 PM at www.1330weby.com Northwest Florida’s Talk Radio.

Published on Jun 25, 2013

LINKS: Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Address Obama ID Fraud Investigation Live June 28, 2013 – http://www.BirtherReport.com –http://www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com – MORE DETAILS:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp…

ONGOING 6/15/13: Sheriff Mack: Obama ID Fraud Biggest Story In World (Video Report)

Featured Image: Obama forged. SOURCE: Freedom-Outpost.com 

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

Published on Jun 15, 2013

LINKS: Sheriff Mack: Obama ID Fraud Biggest Story In World –http://www.BirtherReport.com –http://www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com – FULL INTERVIEW:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp… – SHERIFF JOE PRESENTATION: http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp… – MORE:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp…

UPDATE Birthgate Fraud: Sheriff Joe’s Certified Document Fraud Examiner A Democrat – 6/5/2013 (+) FULL REPORT: Sheriff Joe Obama Fraud Presentation 6/1/13 & MoreUpdates (Video Reports)

Featured Photo: Obama forged. SOURCE:FreedomOutpost.com

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

 Sheriff Joe’s Certified Document Fraud Examiner A Democrat – 6/5/2013

LINKS: Sheriff Joe’s Certified Document Fraud Examiner A Democrat – 6/5/2013 – http://www.BirtherReport.com –http://www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com – VIDEO PRESENTATION: http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp…

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom on Jun 2, 2013

Congressman Meeting With Sheriff Joe Arpaio Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

1: Sheriff Arpaio Obama Investigator Don Jeffrey Addresses Obama Social Security Number (2 parts)

Published on May 31, 2013

PART 1: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Investigator Don Jeffrey Addresses Obama Social Security Number – 5/31/2013 –

 Part 2

From youtube uploaded by naturalborncitizennc

FULL Presentation: BirtherReport.com: Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Presentation – 6/1/2013

Published on Jun 1, 2013

BirtherReport.com Live Stream: Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Investigation – More details here:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp… – Live Streamed By Pixel

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Obama Birth Certificate”

MSM BLACKOUT: Sheriff Mack Goes Birther: “Obama Birth Certificate A Fraud” (+) PA Police Chief Kessler: “When this comes out birth Certificate is only the tip of the iceburg.” (+) Complete Updates! (Video Reports)

Featured Image: Obama “Forged.” SOURCE: Freedom Outpost

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom on Jun 4, 2013

Sheriff Mack Goes Birther: “Obama Birth Certificate A Fraud” 

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom Jun 4, 2013

PA Police Chief Kessler: Obama Birth Certificate Forged; Complete Media Blackout

From youtube  uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

1: Sheriff Joe Obama Fraud Investigator Calls For Select Committee; It Is A Felony!

Published on Jun 5, 2013

LINKS: Part 1 of 2: Sheriff Joe Obama Fraud Investigator Calls For Select Committee; It Is A Felony – 6/4/2013 –http://www.BirtherReport.com –

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom·

2: Sheriff Joe Obama Fraud Investigator Calls For Select Committee; It Is A Felony

Published on Jun 5, 2013

LINKS: Part 2 of 2: Sheriff Joe Obama Fraud Investigator Calls For Select Committee; It Is A Felony – 6/4/2013 –http://www.BirtherReport.com –

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archives: “Obama Birth Certificate”

BirthGate UPDATE: Obama document fraud case on the move (+) ROY MOORE MAKING ELIGIBILITY BACKERS DESPERATE?

From Sonoran (AZ) News BY LINDA BENTLEY | MAY 1, 2013

‘We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud’

CAVE CREEK – On Tuesday, Cold Case Posse lead investigator Lt. Mike Zullo (r) told Sonoran News there is a movement underfoot toward prosecution of the Obama document fraud they uncovered during their investigation.

According to Zullo, there is an increased number of people, whom he would only refer to as “VIPs,” that will not only bring the case to the public light, but to prosecution.

Zullo also stated, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document [birth certificate] is a fraud.” . . . Read Complete Report


From WND by DREW ZAHN on 4/30/13


The Democratic Party has jumped into a Barack Obama eligibility case before Judge Roy Moore’s Alabama Supreme Court, filing an uninvited brief that even quotes late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel in an effort to see the case dismissed.

As WND reported, 2012 Constitution Party presidential nominee Virgil Goode and Alabama Republican Party leader Hugh McInnish have filed a case seeking to force Secretary of State Beth Chapman to verify that all candidates on the state’s 2012 ballot were eligible to serve.

The case, dismissed at a lower level, is now being appealed to the Alabama Supreme Court, where Roy Moore was elected chief justice last November. The case becomes all the more intriguing because Moore is on record questioning Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president. . . . Read Complete Report


What I believe Berry, Obama, or whatever his name is, is hiding the fact that he lied and commented fraud by claiming to be a foreigner to qualify for the great deals given foreign exchange students.  We can only hope the honest lawmen of the country keep digging for the truth. One thing for sure, the pathetic habitual liar who presently is squatting in the White House ain’t gonna tell us. . . . EDITOR


from youtube

uploaded by flywheel091

Published on Jan 1, 2013

http://commieblaster.com – Video #25 – Law Enforcement Investigation Shows Indisputable Proof Obama’s Birth Certificate and Selective Service Registration are Forged (Felony). ARREST OBAMA NOW! Video Goes on to Show is Operating Under a False Identity (a Felony Fraud). Obama’s Social Security Number Fails Government’s E-Verify Test and Belongs to Deceased Man, Harrison J. Bounel. Obama’s Passport Name Does Not Match His Birth Certificate. Illegal! For 17 Years, Obama Said He was Born in Kenya. See Obama Three Kenyan Illegal Alien Family Members Living in the US. Starring: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo, Barack Hussein Obama, Harrison J. Bounel, Obama’s Illegal Alien Half-Brother Abongo Malik Obama, Obama’s Illegal Alien Aunt Zeituni Onyango, Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Onyango Obama, Christopher Greene. MAKE THIS VIDEO VIRAL! Send It to Every Member of Your Family, The Electoral College, Congress, Police, News, Judges! Post It on Your Websites. Spread the Word! ARREST OBAMA NOW! See all our videos athttp://commieblaster.com/commietunes/