Tag Archive for freedom

Adam Kokesh: How NOT to get a cop’s attention

 Featured Image: Adam Kokesh, 2010. CREDIT: Adam Kokesh. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public-Domain).

youtube by AdamKokesh

Published on Mar 6, 2015

Does blowing a whistle in a cop’s face help end the police state? Adam asks some hard questions and some not so hard questions at the LAPD protest of the “Africa” shooting.

Get the most important book ever for free in every format including audiobook at:http://thefreedomline.com
Audiobook on YT: http://youtu.be/OobMGexM6Ks
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Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Adam Kokesh”

Living off the Grid and living like a Freeman

youtube by Bob Sovereign

Published on Jan 12, 2014

Freedom Of The Press/Void Where Prohibited

Featured Image: Smith & Son News Stand.  SOURCE: pulpmags.org (Public Domain)

I’m ashamed to admit that I live in Jacksonville Florida. This is a good example of why. . . EDITOR

youtube by HONORYOUROATH Published on Nov 17, 2014

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive ” Freedom of the Press”

Libertopia: Free State Project (full movie)

Featured Image: Flag of New Hampshire. Source; Wikipedia (Public Domain)

youtube by LibertopiaFilm

Published on May 26, 2013

CHECK IT: http://libertopiafilm.com/ #libertopiafilm @libertopia facebook.com/libertopia

Libertopia is a time capsule of the Free State Project from 2008-2009. For more information about the FSP, go to http://freestateproject.org/. If you like the movie, consider making a donation athttp://libertopiafilm.com, so the filmmakers can keep telling good stories.

Hit the open road with Libertopia, a documentary film that follows a unique group of people on individual quests for liberty. Watch as they follow the call of the Free State Project, an invitation to the liberty-minded at large to combine and concentrate their efforts in a single US state.

From across the country and beyond, people are uprooting their lives to converge in New Hampshire, where on a daily basis they work to create a more free society

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Website: “Free State Project”

Adam Kokesh: I’m not going back to jail! & FREEDOM! audiobook

Featured Image: Adam Kokesh. CREDIT: Gage Skidmore. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)

youtube by AdamKokesh

Adam Kokesh: I’m not going back to jail!

Published on Sep 12, 2014

Adam recaps the story of his shotgun video, SWAT raid, jail time, and this final court episode. The lessons learned are far more important.

youtube by  AdamKokesh

FREEDOM! audio book

Published on Jun 16, 2014

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Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us “Adam Kokesh”

COPS SAY END PROHIBITION – Legalize everything!

youtube by AdamKokesh

Published on Oct 29, 2014

At CPAC 2014, Adam talks to the LEAP cowboy as he sets a group of young conservatives straight about the drug war.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Legalize it”  “Adam Kokesh”

AMERICA — From Freedom To Fascism (Full Length Documentary)

From youtube uploaded PreserveOurFreedoms

Uploaded on May 12, 2011

Is there a law which requires you to pay the Federal Income Tax? Is the Federal Reserve a part of the United States Government, or is it a private bank owned and operated by multinational corporate interests? Do they have our nation’s best interests at heart? Unless something changes, what does the future of the United States look like?

The answer to all these questions and more in this incredible documentary by legendary filmmaker Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007).

Feinstein: First Amendment is a Special Privilege, Not a Right! (With Video)

And so it begins. . . EDITOR

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From Intellihub.com By Sergey Baranov
September 25, 2013

Don’t let the mainstream sewer media flush your brain and rights away!


“While sharp-looking guys on TV are transmitting the state approved “news’’ readily packaged for public consumption, the American people are waking up to the televised lies and mechanized deception of so-called mainstream media.” . . .

“In the recent judicial hearing Senator Feinstein made an attempt to give a new definition to the freedom of speech and freedom of press, claiming that if a person is not an employee of the state approve media entity, then he isn’t qualified to be journalist.

“While attempting to define a reporter, Senator Feinstein brought an example of a 17 years old high school dropout starting a blog vs.“real” reporters with “bonafide credentials” and professional qualifications.” . . .  Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by 68Truthseeker

Feinstein: First Amendment is a Special Privilege, Not a Right!

NewspaperX Isolated by Petr Kratochvi SOURCE publicdomainpictures.net (Public Domain

Published on Sep 17, 2013

California Senator Dianne Feinstein has proposed an amendment to the Media Shield Law that would ignore the protection afforded by the First Amendment and would limit the law’s protection only to “real reporters,” not bloggers and other upstart alternative media types.

Freedom Of The Press For Everyone? No! Says Senators (Video Report)

This is typical of our so-called-leaders;  they named the package used to take basic  freedoms away from Americans “The Patriot Act”.

So, now the law to take away the freedom to be a citizen reporter or start your own site like this one, is being called, “Free Flow of Information Act” which is actually being  put in place to STIFLE the free flow of information. Let’s see if this obviously unconstitutional law will stand the trip through our crooked government. . .EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by The Young Turks

Published on Sep 18, 2013

“The fact that the US Senate is now defining what a journalist actually is sets a dangerous precedent threatening the present marketplace of ideas that in recent history has been greatly expanded by the internet.


Sept. 17, 2013: False Flag Legislation to Turn Free Speech Into a Privilege. (Video Report)

Sept. 16. 2013: Senate Moves Forward on Media Laws; Hayden Calls for Chinese-style Internet (Video Report)

Adam Kokesh – Freedom is Inevitable (Video Report)

Featured Image: Adam Kokesh at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. CREDIT: Gage Skidmore. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License).

From youtube uploaded by AdamKokesh

Uploaded on Feb 12, 2012

Recorded at LibertyFest West, February 11, 2012
Now you know why I usually wear black t-shirts.

Adam VS Ant. SOURCE youtube

Adam VS The Man UPDATES: http://adamvstheman.com/


If you want to write Adam, now is the perfect time, Lets send him tons of mail, to let the prison know that we know hes there!   


Send mail to:

Adam Kokesh                                                    


1901 D Street SE                                            

Washington, DC 20003
