Tag Archive for gunshots

The Mystery Continues: Aurora Eyewitness: Alarm Announced “Murder In The Theater”

from INFO Wars

Another bizarre twist in the ‘Batman’ massacre case

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 20, 2012

Another bizarre piece of eyewitness testimony has emerged out of the Aurora massacre, with a woman claiming that an alarm was repeatedly played shortly after the shooting began announcing “murder in the theater”


Speaking to the Denver Post, Salina Jordan, who was situated in the theater next door to where the shootings took place, stated, “15-20 minutes into the movie that’s when you start hearing the….gunshots, the bullets start coming over into my theater and about six people got shot.”

“Five minutes after the guy comes running in and tells them that they’re shooting outside, you hear the alarm go off, it says ‘murder in the theater’. . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Published on Aug 19, 2012 by 

This video has been mentioned and embedded so far in two popular news/blog sites… Article by Paul J. Watson @ infowars: . . . Text posted with video at youtube