Tag Archive for Hillary Clinton

Congressmen Just Gave Hillary Clinton The Most ĎĚVĂŠŤĂŤÍŃĞ news Of Her Life

Congressmen Just Gave Hillary Clinton The Most ĎĚVĂŠŤĂŤÍŃĞ news Of Her Life

Published on Nov 15, 2017

Jeff Sessions Drops The FINAL BÓMBŠHĚLL on Hillary Clinton and This Will ĚNĎ her For Good

Published on Nov 14, 2017

Dig a Little DEEPER: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Collusion With Russia Selling Nuclear Material (Full Compilation)

Hillary Clinton Collusion With Russia Selling Nuclear Material (Full Compilation)

Published on Oct 30, 2017

Hillary Clinton is now herself being accused of colluding with Russia and receiving money for her Clinton Foundation.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Clinton Crime Family

Update on the country’s #1 Criminal Family: The Clinton Crime Cartel

BREAKING! Bill Clinton And Hillary Clinton Split Over THIS!!

Published on Oct 13, 2017

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton split over this. Bill and Hillary Clinton are no longer speaking after a Bill tossed a copy of her new book in the trash. Look what Bill Clinton just said about Hillary’s book. it’s that bad!

Evidence Hillary and Bill Clinton Destroyed Haiti (Full Compilation)

Published on Oct 7, 2016

Bill Clinton along with George Bush was directed by President Obama to spearhead the charity efforts for the rebuilding of Haiti. Hillary Clinton was Secretary Of State at the time and her Clinton Foundation was a primary charity organisation. Haiti has secretly been known for being a hidden goldmine in the northern areas being a motive for companies and non profits to plunder the island.

What It Will Finally Take to Put Hillary Clinton Behind Bars

Published on Aug 4, 2017

Wall Street financial analyst par excellence and investor Charles Ortel has applied the same expert research skills he employs to determine if a prospective investment follows sound solvent accounting to the Clinton criminal charity conspiracy and fraud machine. Ortel has called the Clintons the “Bonnie and Clyde” of charity fraud who make Bernie Madoff look like a piker.

Dig a Little DEEPER: The Clinton Crime Family

Update 9/27/17: More Insight On Benghazi Incidence EXPOSES Huge Hillary Clinton Lie

More Insight On Benghazi Incidence EXPOSES Huge Hillary Clinton Lie

Published on Sep 27, 2017

More Insight On Benghazi Incidence EXPOSES Huge Hillary Clinton Lie

Dig a Little DEEPER: Benghazi

Wikileaks Exposes 6 Top Republicans Bribed By Hillary Clinton To Destroy Trump!!!

Wikileaks Exposes 6 Top Republicans Bribed By Hillary Clinton To Destroy Trump!!!

Published on Sep 1, 2017

Wikileaks exposes 6 top republicans bribed by Clinton to destroy Trump. Paul Ryan, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain were all named in the latest Wikileaks release.

Dig a Little DEEPER: The Clinton Crime Family  John McCain Wikileaks

FBI denies request to release Hillary Clinton emails because of “lack of public interest” and Hillary E-mail, Seth Rich Updates

FBI denies request to release Hillary Clinton emails because of “lack of public interest.”

Source: The Duran

Is the FBI covering up Hillary’s crimes?

The FBI has denied New York attorney Ty Clevenger’s request to obtain documents related to Hillary Clinton’s email probe.

Why did the FBI deny this request? The answer given by the FBI was a “lack of public interest.”

The Washington Times reports that after filing a FOIA request for HRC’s documents with the FBI, Clevenger received the following emailed response…

“You have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject.”

Via The Washington Times… . . . Read Complete Report


Are you interested in Hillary’s E-mails being made public?  Let the government know. Sign petition now!>> “Moving forward with the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s Email Case 



CLINTON EMAIL BREAKING NEWS: Deep State Hiding Clinton Emails From Public

Published on Aug 31, 2017

H. A. GOODMAN IN WASHINGTON POST: In one corner of the Internet, the 2016 Democratic primary never ended https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/p…

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Source : Blacklisted News.com

Published: July 11, 2017
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 Donald Trump Jr did nothing wrong by collecting potential criminally incriminating information about a prospective presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from ANY source, as this would protect the American people, the United States of America, and further the interests of law enforcement and justice.
It is a well known corollary of criminal law that an informant, or anyone who has information about a crime, has near blanket immunity to collect/report/release that information, even if it is against a powerful presidential candidate.

Additionally, anyone possessing information of a criminal nature can, and should, report it/bring it to the attention of law enforcement authorities, even if that party is a lawyer working with, or for, a foreign government, even if that were true, which at this point it really is not.

This was by no means “election interference” by a foreign government at all, because anybody could theoretically produce such incriminating information. . . Read Complete Op-Ed

Dig a Little DEEPER: Clinton Crime Family

The Continuing Saga of the Clinton Crime Family; Clinton Foundation Investigation goes International & The Real Russian Connection

Featured Image: Don’t worry Hillary I hope he’s in prison also along with you and Webb Hubbel’s love child. . . Editor Dennis Crenshaw


From BlacklistedNews.com  Published: June 15, 2017


An investigation into The Clinton Foundation by a financial analyst from Harvard University has revealed fraud on a “monumental scale”, according to reports.
Charles Ortel claims to have evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton have committed the largest case of charity fraud in American history.Ortel, one of the world’s leading financial experts, claims that the Clintons are also part of a global fraud networks that have acquired billions in fraudulent profits.Wall St On Parade reports: In a 9-page letter dated yesterday and posted on his blog, Ortel calls the Clintons’ charity the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted,” adding for good measure that the Clinton Foundation is part of an “international charity fraud network whose entire cumulative scale (counting inflows and outflows) approaches and may even exceed $100 billion, measured from 1997 forward.”. . . Read Complete Report
BREAKING: Charity Fraud at the Clinton Foundation
YouTube ~ One America News Network

Clinton Foundation Is The “Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever”
YouTube ~ Daily Headline
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Bill And Hillary BLINDSIDED…The IRS Just Dropped This MASSIVE News That They Are…

Bill And Hillary BLINDSIDED…The IRS Just Dropped This MASSIVE News That They Are…

YouTube ~ Breaking News 365

Published on Jun 15, 2017

After 8 years IRS,of seeing our governmental agencies used as a weapon on behalf of the Left, they’re finally under the control of people with actual integrity.
The IRS deliberately targeted conservative groups at the behest of Obama, but now the agency has the Clinton’s in its sights . . . Continue on YouTube

When is this in-your-face crime family going to be brought down?

Hillary said They “were broke and in debt when they left the White House”.  I guess Wild Bill put all the millions they made off of the Mena AK Airport drug cocaine smuggling deal he was in with the Scull and Bones CIA Director Baby Bush/Berry Seal and caused the 1970’s crack cocaine epidemic up his nose. that along with paying off Bill’s rape victims. And I guess that’s why they stole the china and silverware when they left the White House.

Well they have made up for it since then stealing from the taxpayers and making arms deals and selling uranium deals to our enemies. From dead broke and millions in debt when they left the White House to, according to the UP, a net worth of 200 million by 2013.  And the worst thing is they haven’t even tried to hide it!. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

The Clinton Crime Family Unplugged Times 5

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THEI Eyeballs The George Webb Investigations Part 1

Day 229.1 Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen

YouTube ~ George Webb

Published on Jun 9, 2017

Weighing Awan Brothers Risk Versus Error Correction

Routers to Rat Lines – Crowdsource the Truth Interviews George Webb in NYC

YouTube ~ Jason Goodman

Published on Apr 28, 2017

If you haven’t been following Truth Leaker George Webb, you’re missing what may be one of the most compelling crowdsourced investigations in history.

George Webb “I’ve Further Evidence Linking Hillary To The Murder Of Seth Rich.”

YouTube ~ The Richie Allen Show Published on Jun 1, 2017

George Webb On Disappearance Of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman, Pizzagate & More.

YouTube ~ mia katy Published on May 31, 2017

Day 72 – Where is Eric Braverman? Who Killed Monica Petersen?

YouTube ~ George Webb

Published on Jan 3, 2017

Was Braverman Fronting An American Gladio?

Photo Credit – Sibel Edmonds, FBI Whistleblower, Wrote A Classified Woman, now runs newschannel NewBud.com

FB Group #HRCRatLine

Due to the very large number of citations and sources, I now publish them with each slide. I try to order New York Times Pulitzers first, then former NYT Pulitzer winners, then New York Times writers. Any other reputable source like WaPo, WaTimes, Tribune, LA Times, Seattle P-I, etc are then list. Then second tier media followed by alternative media.

Murdered journalist and investigators get a higher ranking than remotely sourced stories through offshore news funnels like SOHR.

Follow the  Investigations of George Webb on Page 2>>

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