Tag Archive for immigration amnesty

Coats: Fifth Circuit’s Ruling Reaffirms President’s Role is to Execute, not Alter, Law

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today issued the following statement regarding a ruling by the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals that rejects President Obama’s executive amnesty:

“The Fifth Circuit’s ruling reaffirms that President Obama’s role is to faithfully execute the law, not alter or ignore it as he sees fit. I applaud the court’s ruling to halt President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, and I will closely watch this case as it continues. In the meantime, I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to conclusively stop the president’s blatant disregard for our nation’s system of checks and balances.”

Sheriffs Plan Massive Opposition to Obama’s ‘Executive Amnesty’ in Washington, December 10th

Featured Image: B.C.S.D. (Bristol County (Mass.) Sheriffs Dept. badge. (Fair Use)
The notice for this sheriffs meeting in Washington D.C this coming Dec. 10, 2014 to protest Obama’s planned amnesty for millions of criminals who have crossed our borders illigaly came from the Bristol County (Mass.) Sheriffs Dept. 
Sheriffs Against Amnesty (Contact info)

youtube by DAHBOO77

Published on Nov 10, 2014

In light of Barack Obama’s defiance to institute amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in America, following his public spanking on Tuesday, constitutional sheriffs from across America are planning a massive meeting in Washington to oppose his usurpation of power. . . . Continue