Tag Archive for Inside Tha Jackals Head

Steve Pierce on “iNSide Tha Jackals Head” this past 11/24/2013

Heard live on November 24th, 2013 on www.psn-radio.com
Twitter @thajackal

Tonight I’m joined by one of the main witnesses to the Travis Walton abduction case. As most of my listeners know I’m a major believer, and supporter of Travis, and his crew that was with him. My dream interview while doing ufology radio was to be able to interview Travis, and some of his crew members, and I’ve have Travis on my show, and produced another show he was on, and tonight one of the men who saw what happened will join me, and we will find out from his point of view what he’s thought about that night. All these years later.

Steve was only seventeen years old, when working as a logger as a crew of seven near Snowflake, Arizona. All seven men saw something that would forever change their lives when they encountered an out of place bright light on the evening of Nov. 5, 1975. As the men got closer to the light, they could see it was a craft hovering just above the trees.

One of the men, Travis Walton, exited the truck and headed towards the craft. Steve, having a window seat in the truck, witnessed a beam of light bolt from the craft and hit Travis, sending him flying through the air. The men took off suddenly, and upon returning a short time later, Travis was nowhere to be found.

The townsfolk became divided, when Steve and five co-workers were accused of murdering Travis. Reporters from all over the world arrived in the small town of Snowflake and hounded the men and their families.

Steve took a polygraph test which showed he was telling the truth of witnessing an unusual craft. The polygraph also showed Steve was telling the truth when he claimed he had not murdered Travis or knew of anyone else that murdered Travis or knew of Travis’s whereabouts.

Steve went into hiding for almost four decades, but was being tracked in those early years by UFO skeptic, Philip Klass. Klass offered Steve a large sum of money to change his story and claim it was a hoax.

Steve speaks at UFO conventions and appears on numerous radio programs. He also appeared on the television program ‘Paranormal Witness’ titled ‘The Abduction’ in October 2012.

Steve decided to try to bring out more of his memories through hypnotic regression with Yvonne Smith where he underwent three regressions in 2013.

Steve has only recently come out to tell his side of the story and what’s happened to him since he went on to become a long haul truck driver and is now retired. Steve is also in the midst of writing a book about his life story.

[iNSIDE] Tha Jackals Head W/ James Swagger

Join me Sunday Oct 27, 2013 at 10:00pm until 12:00am as I welcome radio host, author, and researcher James Swagger as we tackle the origins of the megaliths/pagans and how Halloween came about, the ancient cosmology of Ireland.

Make sure to bookmark this event, and check out this episode of my show.

Listen live www.psn-radio.com
Call in number [786] 245-8127
Skype us by looking up PSN RADIO
Twitter @thajackal
Facebook www.facebook.com/iNSIDE.Jackals.Head

Biography [www.jamesswagger.com/capricorn-radio]

James Swagger

James Swagger

James Swagger was first introduced to topical science writing for a historical mysteries magazine in Ireland. Sadly it doesn’t run anymore but it did wet his appetite for researching ancient knowledge and lost science in a professional sense. Initially it was for a favor due to his science and engineering background, although his career in this field soon took him away to Europe. James trained as a Systems Analyst in the energy industry. He has a taught Masters degree in engineering, a Bachelors degree in Physics with astronomy, and a Masters degree in Science, Research and Society. Initially James Swagger sought out the megalithic monuments of Western Europe in his spare time travelling around the UK, Ireland, and Denmark. His embrace of a multidisciplinary approach to the research of megalithic sites, and the larger view of ‘passage grave cosmology’ produced his first book,

“The Newgrange Sirius Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Cosmology with Dogon Symbology”.

He also hosts his very own internet radio show called Capricorn Radio, which explores historical mysteries. He interviews fellow authors’ to unveil the true cultural blueprint of humanity. History has always been a passion for James from early on, most notably Egyptology, Assyrian, and Akkadian civilisations of the middle-east.

The megalithic civilisation that dominates most of Western Europe also played a major role when James was growing up. James was born to Irish and Danish parents, whereby both countries host large numbers of well preserved passage graves and megaliths.

He had spent equal time in both countries growing up and we would regularly take the ferry run from Ireland to Brittany to get to mainland Europe. It was on one of these journeys to Brittany that he stopped off in Carnac. It was then in his middle teens, that the mystery deepened for him. He realised for the first time the scale of the megalithic civilisation, that it was lost, and that in the modern world we knew absolutely nothing of it.

It wasn’t until much later that he would research the megaliths in depth. Admittedly James finds the glory of Egyptian and Middle Eastern civilisations much more alluring than the megaliths. The mystery o fthe megaliths however are his first true calling in terms of research.

LIVE! Radio TONIGHT! [Inside] Tha Jackals Head W/ Dennis Crenshaw on PSN Radio (10 pm til Midnight)

Dennis Holding an original Dellschau drawing of an Aero. PHOTO CREDIT: Pete Navarro, SOURCE Secrets of Dellschau (C) 2009.

Dennis Holding an original Dellschau drawing of an Aero. PHOTO CREDIT: Pete Navarro, SOURCE Secrets of Dellschau (C) 2009.

Dennis has been retired from radio for over a year now, and we would love to welcome him back to the show to find out what the latest happenings are with him, and his great website The Hollow Earth Insider.

Call in to ask Dennis anything at 786-245-8127 or find us on skype by looking up PSN RADIO.


[INSIDE] Tha Jackals Head W/ Jim Okon [06/01/2012]

James O’Kon

James O’Kon


Lost in the Rainforest, an Undiscovered Maya Structure Reveals New Evidence of Ancient Technology… The discovery by James O’Kon of the unknown suspension bridge at the ancient city of Yaxchilan in Mexico came as a shock to archeologists who had studied the site for decades.

In his new book, The Lost Secrets of Maya Technology, O’Kon recounts the thrilling realization of what he discovered and how he used modern methods to examine and prove the existence of the spectacular bridge, and other exciting revelations about previously unknown Mayan constructions.

With 40 years as an award-winning structure engineer and as the explorer of more than 50 remote Mayan sites, O’Kon makes for a fascinating interviewee.