Tag Archive for Korea

Drive-In Memories: Double Feature (+) Selected Short Subjects

Featured Image: Drive-In Theater with “The Blob” on the Screen. SOURCE: Screenshot from youtube (Drive In Movie Trailersuploaded by videomix22.  

Fear of Atomic attack was a 1950’s movie propaganda must. Here’s a night at the drive-in that’s full of mind control propaganda. . . EDITOR

1st Feature

Invasion USA (1952)

youtube by Pip Kahn

Published on Mar 3, 2013

In this Master Piece of Cold War Fiction, the United States Finds itself the target of a ruthless invasion.


HD Stock Footage 1950 News Communism – Cold War – Korea – Atomic Bomb

youtube by Buyout Footage

Drive-in Intermission

From youtube uploaded by MrRiggyRiggs

Public Service
A Is For Atom (1952)

From youtube uploaded by nuclearvault

Tom and Jerry Cartoons New Classic collection

From youtube uploaded by JumperCartoons

Drive In Movie Trailers

From youtube by videomix22


2nd Feature

Panic In The Year Zero (1962) American Nuclear Holocaust [full movie]

From youtube uploaded by Kill0Your0TV

Published on Sep 29, 2012

A family of four leaves Los Angeles for a camping trip just before nuclear bombs destroy the city. As lawlessness prevails, the father must fight to keep his family alive.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Drive-In Memories”

Hayden: Situation With North Korea ‘On the Edge’

From lignet April 3, 2013

Former CIA Director
told LIGNET this week that the possibility of North Korea launching a nuclear attack is “somewhere between extremely remote and zero,” but that he believes the current situation with the North is extremely dangerous and is becoming more so by the year. The cycle of threats by North Korea followed by promises of aid must be broken, he said.
In this exclusive interview, General Hayden talks about the strategy behind North Korea’s belligerent rhetoric and provides his assessment of whether the Kim Jong Un regime is really intent on conducting an attack (All Rights Reserved LIGNET.com). . . Read Complete Report

North Korea Threatens ‘All Out Confrontation’… Nuclear, Missile Tests ‘Aimed At US’ (Video Report)

From Investment Watch

January 23rd, 2013

EOUL, Jan. 23 (Yonhap) — North Korea has completed all technical preparations for a nuclear test and can carry it out in a few days if it makes a decision, a South Korean intelligence source said Wednesday.

North Korea had dug up a tunnel for a test at its Punggye-ri nuclear test site, but the tunnel has now been plugged with dirt and concrete, the source said, suggesting that all measuring and other equipment has already been installed inside.

It was unclear when the tunnel was sealed. . . . Read Complete Report (w/additional links)


From youtube

uploaded by stimmekoreas

Published on Jan 23, 2013

The Statement of DPRK’s Foreign Ministry on the new Sanctions of the United Nations Security Council against the DPRK. It is the Sovereign Right of the DPRK to launch Satellites!