Tag Archive for Lawmakers

Texas Lawmakers Debate Birther Bill (+) Sheriff Joe: Obama Investigator Assisting AL Supreme Court Case; Criminal Case Pending (Video Reports)

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

Texas Lawmakers Debate Birther Bill 

Published on May 7, 2013

FACTS/LINKS: Texas Lawmakers Debate Birther Bill – 5/6/2013 – Learn the truth about the secret CRS Memo(s) at:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp… – . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

1: Sheriff Joe: Obama Investigator Assisting AL Supreme Court Case; Criminal Case Pending

Published on May 3, 2013

LINKS: Part 1: Team Arpaio: Obama Investigator: Assisting AL Supreme Court Case; Criminal Case Pending – 5/3/2013 –http://www.BirtherReport.com -. . . Read Complete Report

4/10/13 Pot Civil War: News from the Front Lines (W/Videos)

Featured Illustration: Hemp Products. CREDIT Petr Kratochvil SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net






From the New York Daily News

Maryland lawmakers pass medical marijuana bill


The state Senate approved the measure, 42-4. The action sends the bill to Gov. Martin O’Malley, who indicated he is likely to sign it. . . . Read Complete Report


From Delaware Online

As marijuana goes legit, investors rush in

Written by Tim Mullaney Gannett/USA TODAY Apr 8, 2013

Brendan Kennedy and Michael Blue are nice boys. Really. They’re bankers. Yale MBA classmates. Wearers of ties.

And, if luck and changing laws cooperate, they’ll be drug barons of a certain kind. . . . Read Complete Report

From Toke of the Town

Celebs, athletes politicians, religious leaders urge Obama for drug law reform

By William Breathes in CultureNews

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 4:20 pm

What do P-Diddy, Cameron Diaz, Nicki Minaj, Ron Howard and Mark Wahlberg all have in common? Aside from being ridiculously famous and wealthy, they all support the reformation of drug laws in this country. More than 175 actors, artists, athletes and elected officials signed on to an open letter to President Obama today, asking him to change our drug policy laws from punitive, harsh jail times to one that favors evidence- based prevention and rehabilitation. . . . Read Complete Report


from youtube uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel

Former Prosecutor Says End Drug Prohibition

Published on Apr 6, 2013

For 21 years, Palos Park attorney James Gierach has been trying to convince elected officials and the public that the war on drugs is a failure. . . . From discription published with video.



Kentucky Industrial Hemp Legislation Becomes Law Without Governor’s Signature

by Erik Altieri, NORML Communications Director 

April 5, 2013

On Friday, April 5th, Governor Steve Beshear of Kentucky stated that he will let Kentucky’s industrial hemp measure become law without his signature. Gov. Beshear had expressed concerns that marijuana growers could hide their illegal growing operations with hemp plants. Despite his concerns, he allowed the measure to become law without his signature and did not veto the legislation. . . . Read Complete Report



Bill to Legalize and Regulate Marijuana Introduced in Alabama

by Erik Altieri, NORML Communications Director

April 5, 2013

Many traditionally write off the Southern United States as an area dead to cannabis law reform, but one Representative is behind a new effort that can change all of that. . . . Read Complete Report


From youtube uploaded by Massteaparty

Florida Lawmakers Consider Initiative To Legalize Medical Marijuana

Published on Apr 5, 2013

Push To Legalize Pot Spreads To Florida
Florida Lawmakers Consider Initiative To Legalize Medical Marijuana

Texas lawmakers propose toughest anti-drone law in the US (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Mar 17, 2013

Texas lawmakers are proposing legislation that will ban the use of drones in the state’s airspace. House Bill 912 is being called the toughest drone law in the US, and the Lone Star State is joining a group of other states putting their foot down when it comes to the use of unmanned aircraft. RT’s Ramon Galindo brings us more on the growing anti-drone trend.

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The 2013 Gunfight: Wyoming Lawmakers Try to Head Off Federal Gun Grab

from Godfather Politics

posted on  by 

Rather than wait and see what the Obama Administration and a complacent Congress choose to foist on American gun owners, Wyoming legislators are proposing a Firearms Protection Act.

The proposed legislation would protect gun owners from any federal bans on assault weapons or large-capacity magazines by making federal laws against semiautomatic rifles and clips unenforceable within the state.

The proposed legislation would go as far as making any federal agent who tried to enforce a federal anti-gun law within the state subject to a felony. It would also allow the Wyoming Attorney General’s office to defend state residents. . . . Read Complete Report

Lawmakers To Announce Introduction of Marijuana Legalization

from Toke of the Town

By Steve Elliott ~alapoet~ in LegislationNews

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 10:20 am
At least four state legislatures will consider replacing marijuana prohibition with regulation

On Election Day, voters in the states of Colorado and Washington approved ballot initiatives to remove criminal penalties for adult marijuana use and regulate the substance in a manner similar to alcohol. State legislators from Rhode Island and Maine on Thursday will join the Marijuana Policy Project on a teleconference press call to announce that they are introducing similar bills to tax and regulate marijuana in their state legislatures. . . . Read Complete Report