John Morgan and his firm are one of the best known “Peoples Law firms” in the state and has become a local hero in his support of making medical marijuana available to Florida Residents. Most of the money spent in the legalization movement has come from him personally.
Due in large part to Mr. Morgan’s involvement in our last election 71% of Florida’s voters voted “yes” on legalizing medical marijuana and it became added to our state constitution.
However as has been happening all over our country Florida Legislatures have forgotten that they are in Tallahassee to perform the will of the people and are trying every way they can think of to stop this State Constitutional Amendment. Mr. Morgan is our champion in the fight to stop this movement. . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
A Letter from John Morgan ESQ. to your editor Dennis Crenshaw Dated 7/6/17
Today, I am filing a lawsuit to overturn the state’s ban on smoking medical marijuana, which everyone knows is in direct contradiction to the constitutional amendment we passed.
The ban is unconstitutional, and as promised, we are going to take it to the courts and win.
Getting anything passed through the legislature, as you know, was an accomplishment. Tallahassee politicians often forget who the they are working for.
I know who I am working for: The patients and all of you who have fought with us for years to make sure those patients have access to the medicine they need.
Now, thanks to our collective efforts, most patients will get that access via certain types of marijuana. But it’s not enough and not everything the voters passed.
So we start the new fight today in the courts. And we will continue to fight anywhere and any place where the will of the voters is attempting to be side-railed or ignored.
We are unified in this fight and we will bring our cause to a complete and unasterisked victory soon.
John Morgan
Paid for by Florida for Care, 801 Arthur Godfrey Rd. 402A, Miami Beach, FL 33140
Full press conference: John Morgan discusses medical marijuana lawsuit
Published on Jul 6, 2017
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