Tag Archive for liberal

‘Obey’: Film Based on Chris Hedges’ ‘Death of the Liberal Class’ (Full Documentary)

Whether you agree with all of the things presented in this film, a few of them, or none at all I’ll give even odds you’ll agree with the conclusion. . . EDITOR 

From youtube uploaded by Legalis Pseudonym

Published on Feb 24, 2013

British filmmaker Temujin Doran has released a new movie that is based on the book “The Death of the Liberal Class” by Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges. The film, titled “Obey,” explores the rise of the corporate state and the future of obedience in a world filled with unfettered capitalism, worsening inequality and environmental changes.

Warning: Viewers may find some of the clips in the film disturbing.

Liberal Media: “Gun Nuts” To Blame For National Ammo Shortage (W/Video)

From Godfather Politics

Photo: (Public domain)

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The media have been reporting a national ammo shortage for the past few months. Manufacturers are having a hard time keeping up with demand. The reasons for such shortages might be obvious to us, but some actually think that we’re to blame. And I’m sure they’d blame Bush while they’re at it.

Salon recently posted an article about ammo shortages and how police departments around the country are suffering because ammunition supplies are running out. They’re having to cut back on training and limit the number of rounds they carry around in their firearms. And who is to blame? The “gun nuts,” of course. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by Billy Quinn


Ammo Shortage 2013

Published on Mar 16, 2013

This is a video about Homeland Security buying up all the ammo in the US.


3/19/13: Congressmen Demand DHS Explain 1.6 Billion Bullets Purchase (W/Video)

Liberal Gun Control Advocate Goes on Shooting Rampage (+) Cops start shooting at anyone driving a Truck (Video)

Photo: Christopher Jordan Dorner. Cop Gone Wild. SOURCE Scoop.it (Fair Use) 

From Godfather Politics

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As the police in Southern California spread out a multi-county dragnet for a former cop seeking revenge on the people he blamed for his firing, the mainstream media were suspiciously silent on some key points.

Usually when some crazy goes on a shooting spree, the media leftists look for any scrap of information that can be used to make the case that the killer is somehow a political conservative and that gun control laws must be tightened. That might be harder to do this time.

Former Los Angeles Police Department officer Christopher Jordan Dorner was being sought Thursday in connection with five shootings, including those of three police officers in Riverside County. . . . Read Complete Report

We should take note of the fact that the two trucks the cops opened fire on are not the same make or even the same color. . . there is no excuse that they mistook BOTH trucks as being the one they were looking for. . . EDITOR


From youtube uploaded by mamaknock

Police Careless Shooting of Innocent While On Manhunt For Rouge Ex-Cop 

Published on Feb 9, 2013

Two cases of careless mistaken identity shootings by LAPD and Torrance police in same neighborhood by gun happy cops. Shoot first ask questions later.

Continuing Coverage: Media Blackout in Obama Georgia Ballot Eligibility Case

It it quite obvious to me that the main stream press will not report ANYTHING that would upset the applecart when it comes to the liberal arm of the Controllers two headed cartel.  If the media was free to report the news without outside censoring this story would be heard loud and clear every hour on the hour and half-hour  in every household in the U.S., especially on the “no spin” Fox network,.  But as of yet not a peep. Controlled media? . . . EDITOR 

from the American Thinker

By Cindy Simpson

January 30, 2012

Last week, I noted that Obama turned his back not just on Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer, but also on the laws of the State of Georgia.  I closed my column, “Georgia Ballot Challenge: Obama Walks on By,” with the observation: “And most of the media has followed along right behind him.”

At the time, I had just witnessed an historic hearing that actually discussed the eligibility of the sitting president of the United States to run for a second term.  The president had been subpoenaed to appear, and instead of his attorney respectfully following protocol to have that subpoena recalled, both Obama and his attorney, Michael Jablonski, simply failed to show up at all or offer any defense whatsoever.

Isn’t there a headline in there somewhere? . . . Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/01/media_blackout_in_obama_georgia_ballot_eligibility_case.html#ixzz1lA8LMQu1

Previous Posts:

1/29/12: Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

1/22/12: Judge Refuse to squelch subpoena for Obama to appear at a hearing to determine Eligibilty to Run in 2012