Tag Archive for military industrial complex

Soft coup success? Wall Street and military-industrial complex run US Presidency

Soft coup success? Wall Street and military-industrial complex run US Presidency

Source: The Duran


Business as usual at the office of the US Presidency.

Now that Steve Bannon is out, and Trump’s non-interventionist, America first advisors have been picked off one by one, a Goldman Sachs/Military Generals US run White House is gearing up for more war, starting with Afghanistan.

Neocons like Lindsey Graham and John McCain are ecstatic…

The mainstream liberal media is so happy with the Afghanistan ramp up they refused to lay down any criticism of a “Trump decision”…which is rare indeed,considering the liberal media finds fault in just about anything Trump says or does.

To get a better understanding of what is really going on in Washington DC, Mike Krieger from Liberty Blitzkrieg pulls back the curtain, and deep state misdirection taking place…pointing out three key points lost in the translation, but spoken clearly by POTUS Trump during his Afghanistan speech. . . . Read Complete Report



President Trump’s full address on Afghanistan


Published on Aug 21, 2017

President Donald Trump laid out goals for the war in Afghanistan, saying he will not announce dates or troop levels but “from now on victory will have a clear definition.”

Trump’s Afghanistan Strategy: What To Expect. With Jacob Hornberger


Streamed live on Aug 21, 2017

Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger joins the Liberty Report to preview President Trump’s Afghanistan strategy that will be unveiled tonight. Should we expect a radical departure from the last 16 unsuccessful years? Get your tickets to the RPI Conference discussed in this video! RonPaulInstitute.org

Trump’s ‘New’ Afghan Strategy: Protect The Empire!

RonPaulLibertyReport Streamed live on Aug 22, 2017

Dig a Little Deeper: Afghanistan

THEI Eyeballs The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State Series:

(Part 2)  Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars

Abandoned And Declassified Black Projects

Abandoned And Declassified Black Projects

World Unearthed

Published on Aug 14, 2017

From the most best stealth planes; to top secret helicopters caught on tape; These are 7 Abandoned and Declassified Black Projects

Dig A Little DEEPER: Military-Industrial Complex

THEI Multi Video Special Report : Eyeballin’ the Rogue World of the CIA

THEI Multi Video Special Report

From youtube uploaded by EYE on CITRUS

CIA HIDDEN OPERATIONS Complete in it’s Entirety

Uploaded on Jun 25, 2011

The CIA, the right hand tool, of the Military-Industrial Complex, involvement in every diabolical, evil endeavor on the face of the earth.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Regarding Copyright Law.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Mind Control”


From youtube uploaded by The Film Archives

The CIA, Drug Trafficking and American Politics: The Political Economy of War

… [t]he CIA did not handle heroin, but it did provide its drug lord allies with transport, arms, and political protection. In sum, the CIA’s role in the Southeast Asian heroin trade involved indirect complicity rather than direct culpability.” . . . EXCERPT from Description published with video.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “The Mena Connection”


From youtube uploaded by The Film Archives

CIA Covert Action in the Cold War: Iran, Jamaica, Chile, Cuba, Afghanistan, Libya, Latin America

Published on Jun 9, 2012


The following persons are known to have participated in covert operations, as distinct from clandestine intelligence gathering (espionage) either by their own admission or by the accounts of others: . . . From Description published with video.


The CIA Rogue Agents (Action,2013,USA) FULL MOVIE in English

Original Movie name: The Recruit

From youtube uploaded by seivdryn on April 22.2013

Ron Paul “In A Libertarian Society There Is NO Military-Industrial Complex!” (+) Eisenhower warns us of the M-IC. (Video Reports)

Featured Image: Ron Paul official Congressional photo portrait, 2007. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).

From youtube updated by MOXNEWSd0tC0M· on Aug 19, 2013

Ron Paul “In A Libertarian Society There Is NO Military Industrial Complex!”

From youtube uploaded by RobUniv

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.

Uploaded on Aug 4, 2006

Dwight D. Eisenhower exit speech on Jan.17,1961.
Warning us of the military industrial complex.

Military Industrial Borders (+) Military-Industrial Complex from Eisenhower to Obama (Video Report)

Once again, the military-industrial complex giant corporations, the same crooks President Eisenhower warned us about in his fairwell speech, the same people that control the money made from our never-ending-wars in far away places, will make the money for securing our border with Mexico.  Hell, why not just keep that money and distribute it along the border to illegal immigrants agreeing to go home to Mexico.  I think that would be a better use of OUR taxes.

Or we might want to give thought to the fact that the build-up at the border might not be to keep illigals out, but to keep us in once the truth about the fasttrack restructuring of our country into the One World Order becomes common knowledge. I’m just saying. . . . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by TheLipTV

Military Industrial Borders Courtesy of Crazy Spending Congress

Published on Jul 22, 2013

The Mexican border is being outfitted with Blackhawk helicopters and more in the new border security bill that is in Congress. The bill requires over $30B to be spent to upgrade border security, and we wonder just why all that money needs to be invested in military technology on this clip from the Buzzsaw conspiracy news with Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace.

From youtube uploaded by TheRealNews on Mar 7, 2011

Military-Industrial Complex from Eisenhower to Obama

Military-Industrial Complex, Fifty Years On (w/video)

from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Interviewee: Leslie H. Gelb, President Emeritus, CFR
Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor
January 13, 2011

On Monday, January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell address warned the nation to guard against the influence of a rising “military-industrial complex.” That nexus of military, industrial, technological, and congressional interests has expanded considerably since Eisenhower’s cautionary speech, says military affairs analyst Leslie H. Gelb. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who has invoked Eisenhower’s warnings in the past year, recently promised $78 billion in cuts over the next several years, but Gelb says it’s unclear whether this will happen and what those cuts will be. Stressing the need for the federal budget to focus more on bolstering the economy–rather than a huge military–Gelb says he would advise President Barack Obama to make a strong case to the public for why the economy and jobs are “essential for the maintenance of democracy, for the maintenance of our economic competitiveness and our schools, and for our military security in the world.”

Wasn’t the military budget at the time of Eisenhower’s speech much less than it is today, in comparable figures?

You’re right, if you do it in constant dollars. Compare how much we are spending on the military Eisenhower’s farewell address, today, which would be about $750 billion a year. If you compare the Eisenhower budget in today’s dollars, it would be a little more than half, or $400 billion. So there is a huge difference, and he went out of his way even then to warn of the growth of the military spending.

What caused Eisenhower, who led the allied troops in Europe during World War II, to be so concerned?. . .Read Complete Report

Go DEEPER: THEI Video 101

CFR: Time to Attack Iran

According to a report in the latest issue of the globalists bible, the CFR’s “National Review” titled:

Time to Attack Iran: Why a Strike Is the Least Bad Option


“In early October, U.S. officials accused Iranian operatives of planning to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States on American soil. Iran denied the charges, but the episode has already managed to increase tensions between Washington and Tehran. Although the Obama administration has not publicly threatened to retaliate with military force, the allegations have underscored the real and growing risk that the two sides could go to war sometime soon — particularly over Iran’s advancing nuclear program.”

the articles conclusion:

“The truth is that a military strike intended to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, if managed carefully, could spare the region and the world a very real threat and dramatically improve the long-term national security of the United States.” . . . read complete article

So let me get this straight a “military strike” “against Iran if “managed carefully” would be cool right now?

 We are suppose to be winding down from the past 10 years of war; healing our wounded, and getting our own house in order, yet the magazine that has been called “the most influential policy magazine in the world” wants us caught up in another war. I guess the CFR is looking out for the huge US Military-Industrial complex. It’s a shame no one listened when President Eisenhower warned us of this situation. . . . EDITOR

Eisenhower’s warning