Tag Archive for Occult

AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA

youtube by UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network

Published on Sept 14, 2014

Since its inception in 1958 the truth of NASA’s occult origins has been discretely hidden from public awareness; origins linked to perhaps the most “wicked” of all occult practitioners in modern history, Satanist, Aleister Crowley. As well, the highest echelons of NASA’s administration were dominated by secret society initiates including Freemasons and Nazi SS personnel, most notably, Wernher Von Braun. This high-tech occult cabal secretly used the Apollo moon missions, not to advance science, but to serve their devotion to the mystery gods of ancient Egypt!

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “NASA”

9/23/2013: True or False: NASA WAR DOCUMENT vs HUMANITY? (Video Report)

The Aldebaran Mystery – Nazi UFO Secrets – FREE Movie

From youtube uploaded by UFOTVstudios·

Uploaded on Feb 2, 2011

During Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, did a daring group of Nazi scholars and technicians learn the secrets of anti-gravity and space travel from extraterrestrials? If true, these conclusions may shock and amaze you. Get the facts about UFO Secrets of World War II – The 3rd Reich and beyond, in a way that will change the way we stare up at the stars for years to come.

NOW ON DVD – The Aldebaran Mystery and The Eisenhower Briefing Papers: UFO Secrets of the 3rd Reich and World War II DVD Double Feature – LOADED WITH BONUS FEATURES, 148 min., CAT# U81101 – Go to http://www.UFOTV.com