Tag Archive for Our

Our History Is Not What We Think! (Full Documentary)

Featured Image: Old books. SOURCE: clipartpal.com (Public-Domain).

Our history might not be as this video states either. Then it might. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by AlternativeNews4U2 on Apr 19, 2013

America The Fallen: 24 Signs That Our Once Proud Cities Are Turning Into Poverty-Stricken Hellholes

Featured image: Bicyclists round the James Scott Memorial Fountain on Detroit’s Belle Isle, a once-posh island park in the Detroit River, Detroit, Michigan. Source;: Library of Congress (Public Domain)

From IntelHub by Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse Blog
April 25, 2013

Good jobs were plentiful and a manufacturing boom helped fuel the rise of the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the planet.  Cities such as Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Baltimore were all teeming with economic activity and the rest of the globe looked on our economic miracle with a mixture of wonder and envy.  But now look at us. . . . Read Complete Report


John Stewart describes how the Monsanto Protection Act was snuck in under our noses. (Video Report) UPDATE: GMO MADNESS CARTOON

Image courtesy of David Dees

From youtube uploaded by TwoFuzzyOnes

Published on Apr 5, 2013

Jon Stewart Says Congress is an Old Fart

From youtube uploaded by UFOTVstudios


Published on Apr 8, 2013
Cut to the chase and get the bottom line on the madness of UFO SECRET (GMO) MADNESS in this hilarious but terribly tragic, fast paced, true look at what is happening to our planet, all at the drop of a hat, cartoon style. Perfect for everyone with a short attention span, ADD, or an inability to concentrate on anything longer than 10-minutes.

©2013 Infomatic Films – Distributed by UFOTV, a UFO Video, Inc. Company.

From Daily Science: Robotics Integrated With Human Body In Near Future?/ Robots make their own Decisions

Moving forward with articles for our ‘Robots Replacing Humans’ archives. . . EDITOR

from Science Daily

Robotics Integrated With Human Body In Near Future? Technology Gulf Between ‘Have’ And ‘Have Nots’ Predicted By 2020

ScienceDaily (Dec. 8, 2008) — Spanish researchers have carried out a study looking into the potential future impact of robots on society. Their conclusions show that the enormous automation capacity of robots and their ability to interact with humans will cause a technological imbalance over the next 12 years between those who have them and those who do not. . . . Read Complete Report

Automation Systems Become Flexible When Robots Make Their Own Decisions

ScienceDaily (Dec. 5, 2012) — Researchers at University West in Sweden have created an automation system where machines and robots make their own decisions and adapt to external circumstances. They continue to work even when something goes wrong. You can reprogram them every day and easily vary equipment and manufactured products.

Ron Paul Retiring: ‘Our Constitution Has Failed’ (W/Video)

from Yahoo News

By Chris Good | ABC OTUS News – 6 hrs ago ( 11/14/2012

Rep. Ron Paul, the iconic libertarian congressman from Texas, has delivered what will most likely be his final address to Congress.

In a sprawling, 52-minute speech to the House chamber, Paul lambasted U.S. government, politicians and special interests, declaring that the U.S. people must return to virtue before the government allows them to be free, and that the Constitution has failed to limit the scope of an authoritarian bureaucracy.

“Our Constitution, which was intended to limit government power and abuse, has failed,” Paul said. “The Founders warned that a free society depends on a virtuous and moral people. The current crisis reflects that the concerns were justified.” . . . Read Complete Report

UPDATED:  11/14/2012

from youtube

Dr. Paul on Secession

Posted by campaignforliberty