American Patriots Documentary 2017
Published on May 18, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: The American Patriot Movement
American Patriots Documentary 2017
Published on May 18, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: The American Patriot Movement
I first met Chuck Harder in 1993 at his unique radio studio located in his landmark hotel, The Telford, overlooking the Swanee River in White Springs Florida. During the late 1800’s the Telford had been the vacation spot tor the elitist families like the Rockefeller’s and the Carnegie’s. I thought it was a fitting place for a Patriot radio station. Chuck also had a very well stocked book store with many Patriot books including most of Eustace Mullins books which were hard to find during the 1990’s. During that time Chuck Harder’s “For the People” radio show was broadcast all across the United States and he had a full list of guests waking the people up to the New Word Order movement. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Series:
Part I William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero
Part 3 The MOTHER of all Conspiracy Researchers Mae Brussel.
Part 5 “Big Jim” Tucker: The man who was the Sty in the Eye of the Bilderburg Group
Part 6 Jim Marrs: The Worlds Expert on the JFK Assassination and Much, Much More
Chuck Harder For The People Is Back ! ( Free Trade is Bankrupting USA !
YouTube ~ Comex Joe
If only more Americas would have listened to Chuck Harder, our country would not be in the mess it is today. Mr. Harder was right, he opposed to free trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as well as international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). He favored a moratorium on legal immigration and the deportation of all illegal immigrants.
Chuck Harder For The People Is Back ! ( Who’s Controlling USA?)
YouTube ~ Comex Joe
Published on Jan 1, 2011
For The People started in a garage in the 80’s in Tampa Florida that grew into one of the most listened to talk show’s in The U.S.!
Until Hillary and Bill Clinton took Chuck off the air! For The People continues to this day and is rebuilding with a new host Keith Alan. Chuck due to declining health, is featured on the program when he is able. We are featured on several stations across America, and For The People is always looking for NEW affiliates interested in running the fastest 1-hour of radio sure to please just about any audience.
Back in the 1990’s if only more Americas would have listened to Chuck Harder, our country would not be in the mess it is today. Mr. Harder was right, he opposed to free trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as well as international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). He favored a moratorium on legal immigration and the deportation of all illegal immigrants.
Chuck Harder For The People Is Back ! ( Who’s Controlling USA)
I met David Tibodeau at one of Col Bo Gritz’s patriot meetings in Jacksonville Florida a short time after The Waco Massacre. I was fortunate enough to be able to set down with a one-on-one with David for about an hour. I found him to be a quiet spoken sincere gentleman who still had a hard time emotionally when talking about what happened. He also at that time gave me a copy of the 7 seals manuscript David Koresh was working on at the time of the attack.
Learn what really happened from someone who was there and barely escaped with his life. . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Go to page 2 for an important Chuck Harder 7 part interview with Waco survivor David Tibodeau.
8:16 PM (26 minutes ago)
Dear Dennis,We did it!. . . for now.Earlier tonight, the Senate rejected cloture on the USA Freedom Act, which at the time of the vote still renewed key and controversial provisions of the so-called “Patriot” Act and the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act.
This is yet another blow to the security statists, who tried to get their extensions through without being dragged into a public debate over how much the “Patriot” Act has infringed on our liberties. And this victory is only thanks to grassroots voices like yours! But we’re not done yet. The bill could still be brought back up at any time with an extension of these provisions. So please keep contacting your senators at 202-224-3121 and urging them to oppose every vote on the USA Freedom Act unless any extensions of sections 215 and 206 of the “Patriot” Act and Section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act are removed. Campaign for Liberty has been leading the charge to rein in the national surveillance state, but it must be done without putting another stamp of approval on Constitution-shredding legislation such as the “Patriot” Act or the status quo. Thank you for all you do in defense of liberty! In Liberty, |
Vote for Liberty with a little cash . . . EDITOR
Featured Image: William Cooper. SOURCE: Unknown (Fair Use)
Published on Sep 10, 2014
Bill Cooper’s “9/11 prediction” about a false flag terror attack by the New World Order that would be blamed on Osama Bin Laden [on June 28 ,2001].
He made that prediction on 6/28/01 over his shortwave Radio program “Hour of the Time.” There were a lot of Americas who listen to the show. I personal went out of my way to not miss any of his broadcasts. The patriot movement was growing, and William Cooper’s intellegence reports to the people was revealing too much. He had the Controllers squirming . . EDITOR
And of course everyone knows what happened on 9/11/01. History is History.
Bill Cooper was revealing the slugs under the rocks and their secret agendas. The Controllers didn’t like his educating the masses. He had to go. On 11/5/01 he was gunned down by Sheriffs deputies at his home in Arizona.
The memory of this true Patriot and super American should never be forgotten. . . EDITOR
Meet Bill Cooper : Murdered by George W. Bush & Friends
Published on Jun 10, 2012
Bill Cooper is a man everyone should know about. Few actually do. There should be statues of this man in every town across America! There never will be.. He tried to do the right thing, when nobody else even cared what the ‘right thing’ was.
Go a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archives “William Cooper”
THEI Selected Short Subject (Rerun)
This time it’s being used to salute William Cooper, a true Patriot.
Google Search: William Cooper
Featured image: A picture of a double medal of honor recipient Smedley Butler. (Note that the light blue ribbons (at the top of his ribbon rack) appear almost white in this overexposed photo.) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
History will repeat if we do not study the past.
Right now we NEED a U.S. General Smedley Butler. ~ Super Patriot, 2 time medal of Honor Hero and Whistle blower Extraordinaire‘. . . EDITOR
From Want to Know
Image: The Medals of Honor awarded by each of the three branches of the U.S. military, and are, from left to right, the Army, Coast Guard/Navy/Marine Corps and Air Force. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain). Gen. Smedley Butler earned 2 of the middle ones.
WAR IS A RACKET – by General Smedley Butler
War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. In the World War [World War I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted huge gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows. [Please note these are 1935 U.S. dollars. To adjust for inflation, multiply all figures X 15 or more] . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by Reich-Wing Watch
The Fascist Plot to Overthrow FDR (FULL)
Uploaded on Sep 13, 2011
In 1933, Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler was approached by wealthy industrialists and bankers who were plotting to create a fascist veterans organization called the “American Liberty League” and use it in a coup d’état to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt, . . . From description published with video.
From youtube uploaded by James Ambas
Smedley Butler’s Testimoney At The McCormick-Dickstein Hearing And Media Blackout
From youtube uploaded by rltmlt
Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot
Uploaded on Aug 14, 2011
This video tells the whole story behind a fascist coup that was mounted against President Franklin Roosevelt and the United States of America in 1933 by various international banking interests and Wall Street Power Brokers. It also tells the story of a highly decorated U.S. General, Smedly Butler, who single handedly stopped this take over and saved our Republic.and the rest of the planet from a new dark age.
We are now seeing a repeat of this dastardly plan by the same international financial interests using their minions in both majority political parties who have sold out their constituents for large campaign funding donations that insure their continued participation in the very lucrative field of Washington Politics. We have ignored the ongoing corruption of our political system, brought on by the unregulated contribution of large financial donations from private interests, and now we face the imminent demise of our Republic as it is replaced by a Kleptocracy.
Independence Hall NOAA_Photo_Library SOURCE Wikipedia Public Domain
from Rick Osmon
This is my wish to all Americans:
Happy Independence Day! Even if it doesn’t mean what it used to mean.
A couple messages on Facebook from friends in Australia reminded me what Independence Day is supposed to mean: Freedom from tyranny. Of course, the NSA and DHS are now pinging on every utterance of “patriot”, “Liberty”, and “tyranny”.
I recently (last night) for the first time watched the motion picture The Road to Perdition with Paul Newman, Tom Hanks, and Daniel Craig. Now before you think I’m jumping off the deep end by tying that movie to the Fourth of July, stick with me.
The Late Eustace Mullins (March 9, 1923 – February 2, 1910) was my major mentor and the man who first had the guts to expose the Federal Reserve Scam. His research and explosive exposes of the nefarious deeds of the One World Order crowd caused J. Edger Hoover to once call him, “The most dangerous man in America.” This is Mr. Mullins’ last interview before he passed.
I salute you Mr. Mullins, your legacy will go down as a true hero and patriot. . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by TheRapeOfJustice
Uploaded on Aug 25, 2011
Eustace Mullins and Jesse Lee at the office of American Free Press in Washington, D.C. with Willis A. Carto.
From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M
Published on Apr 4, 2013
April 03, 2013 C-SPAN
Photo: Special Forces shoulder patch. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.
From youtube uploaded by WildBillforAmerica
Published on Mar 18, 2013
Special Forces veterans are teaming up with Bill to form Patriot Special Forces Teams that will disrupt the liberal agenda and sow chaos among the enemies of freedom.
Photo: Vicki Weaver as seen from a USMS surveillance position
21 August 1992. SOURCE Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
With the coming year already looking to be a year of more taxes and less guns I thought it might be time for us to take a look back at the stories of two of America’s unsung heroes. Both super patriots, and both targeted to be taken out by rogue government agencies over the above issues. Shall we let them have died in vain?. . . . EDITOR
Posted 3/23/00
Well it’s tax time people…and for those of you who don’t remember… or never heard the story…I thought I might send this along for you to see just how enslaved we are…and what might happen if you fail to pay homage to your master, the federal government.
In 1968, Tax Protester Gordon Kahl stopped filing IRS 1040 Income Tax Returns. For 9 years thereafter, the IRS ignored him, but in 1977 after Gordon Kahl spoke on an evening radio talk show regarding the illicitness of the income tax, some 250 phone calls would come into the radio station over the next two days; either supporting Kahl in some aspect, or pledging never to file another tax return. . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
Uploaded by irishhellsangel
Published on Sep 20, 2012
The documentary film that took us behind the gun battle at Medina between North Dakota farmer Gordon Kahl and the IRS over Kahl’s outspoken public opposition to taxes and bank farm foreclosures in the late 1970’s. This documentary retraces the subsequent cross-country manhunt and examines Kahl’s violent and suspicious death in Arkansas in 1983, as well as new evidence discovered during Kahl’s exhumation.
This award-winning documentary film as well as additional unreleased footage is now available for the first time on DVD at the studio web site (
from youtube
Uploaded by VeritasView
Uploaded on Oct 2, 2011
This video is presented to exhibit the ruthless actions of Federal agents and their murder of helpless women and children during the Ruby Ridge “Siege”. It is NOT an endorsement of any form of racism or separatism. The channel holder is avidly against any racism in any form.