Tag Archive for powerlines

Inching SkySweeper robot provides cheap way to inspect powerlines (W/Video)

Featured Image: Skysweeper Robot.SOURCE: gizmag.com  accompanying article below.

From GizMag By  April 21, 2013

If you look up at a power line in a few years and see something skittering along the wires, it (hopefully) won’t be a mutant crab monster, but a powerline inspection robot costing less than US$1,000. A prototype of such a robot, called SkySweeper, was presented this month at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Jacobs School of Engineering’s Research Expo. The robot was built with off-the-shelf electronics and plastic parts printed on an inexpensive 3D printer. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by JacobsSchoolNews on Apr 16, 2013

SkySweeper Robot Makes Inspecting Power Lines Simple and Inexpensive