Tag Archive for Privately

The Federal Reserve, a Privately Owned Banking Cartel, Has Been Given Police Powers, with Glock 22s and Patrol Cars (W/Videos)

My question – is the privately owned Central Bank, the so called Federal Reserve Bank, paying for this new “Federal Police Force” or are we the people paying? Of course, in the end, anything the FED spends money on comes out of the pockets of we the people, in the form of the interest we are charged by the private owners of that private bank to borrow our own money. . . EDITOR 
from alertnet

September 17, 2012

 By Pam Martens

Shocking signs of business control of government

By mid morning on Monday, September 17, as Occupy Wall Street protesters marched around the perimeter of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, all signs that an FRPD (Federal Reserve Police Department) existed had disappeared.  The FRPD patrol cars and law enforcement officers had been replaced by NYPD patrol cars and officers.   That decision may have been made to keep from drawing attention to a mushrooming new domestic police force that most Americans do not know exists.

Quietly, without fanfare or Congressional hearings, the USA Patriot Act in 2001 bestowed on the 12 privately owned Federal Reserve Banks, domestic policing powers. . . . Read Complete Report

FEDERAL RESERVE’s Own POLICE FORCE Intimidate/Harass Innocent People for Filming Building

Published on Jun 14, 2012 by 


Selected Short Subject: Music Video

from youtube


Uploaded by  on Sep 30, 2008

THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS A PRIVATE BANKING CARTEL www.endthefed.us 11/22/08 IN 38 CITIES. END-THE-FED, END-THE-FED, END-THE-FED…call your rep tell them to support and co-sponsor hr 2755 to Abolish the Federal Reserve System. . . . Text Posted With Video on youtube.