Infowars Reporters Laugh At Live, LAME ANTIFA Protests
Published on Nov 4, 2017
Infowars Reporters Laugh At Live, LAME ANTIFA Protests
Published on Nov 4, 2017
Featured Image: Cops in Times Square. New York explodes in protests for
Eric Garner. Photo by Pete Voelker Source: Vice (Fair Use).
Although the mainstream media are using Eric Garner in conjunction with the Michael Brown case they are completely different. And the differences are perfectly clear.
Michael Brown was a punk and a bully who was running from a strong-arm robber he had commented a few minutes before. Michael Brown was killed because he had commented a crimes and did not want to be arrested.
Eric Garner was selling loose cigarettes. He was fighting back against an unjust tax on cigarettes. A tax which created the black-market Mr. Garner was serving.
While we at THEI disagree with the protests against the Michael Brown grand jury findings. We just as strongly join with the peaceful protesters in the Eric Garner case and take up the war cry “I Can’t Breathe”.
Over the years we have featured many stories on the merging police state, the militarization of our police departments and the growing police brutality in our country. It’s not just a problem in the black communities it’s also happening in poor white neighborhoods and on our nations highways. These cases are usually only reported by local media. By careful selection of which stories to “report” the mainstream media helps in the Controllers divide and conquer plans. By hooking the Brown and Garner cases together it adds to the civil unrest needed to help create the smokescreen the Controllers need at this time. Smoke, Baby, Smoke. . . EDITOR
Demonstrators took to the streets of New York City and Washington, DC on Wednesday, protesting the non-indictment of a police officer who killed unarmed African-American man Eric Garner. The 43-year-old father of six was selling loose cigarettes when confronted by the New York City Police Department and placed in a chokehold that ultimately killed him. RT’s Alexey Yaroshevsky is in on the ground in New York while Manuel Rapalo is in Washington.
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12/1/14 Dennis Crenshaw “Smoke, Baby, Smoke” (The Ferguson Smokescreen)
“Police Militarization” police brutality “Merging Police State”
Featured Image: Hong Kong by night. CREDIT: CIA World Factbook (Public Domain)
youtube by euronews (in English)
Published on Sep 22, 2014
Tertiary students in Hong Kong have joined the territory’s growing pro-democracy movement.
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Hong Kong”
Another protest not covered in the controlled MSM. . . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by NextNewsNetwork
Published on Nov 22, 2013
Street Smarts with Salvi — On the global day of protest to March against the Mainstream Media, Mike Salvi confronts people on the street for their opinion of corporate media in America.
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Featured Image: TPP political map. dark green – currently in negotiations; light green – announced interest. CREDIT:Japinderum. SOURCE: Wikipedia (This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.)
From youtube uploaded by RT America
Published on Nov 19, 2013
Image: A summit with leaders of the member states of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP). CREDIT: Gobierno de Chile SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.)
The lead negotiators for 12 countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership began meeting today in Salt Lake City, Utah. The TPP is a potential new trade deal that would open up markets among nations along the Pacific Rim. The negotiations have largely been secretive so far, but the agreement is expected to impact jobs, the environment, consumer safety and more. Last week, transparency organization WikiLeaks published leaked chapters of the TPP covering intellectual patents, and the organization’s co-founder, Julian Assange, slammed the deal. Ameera David speaks with RT’s Ramon Galindo, who is in Salt Lake City and attended demonstrations today against the TPP agreement.
Featured Image: “Hanoi Jane” Fonda sets on an-Enemy anti-aircraft gun. SOURCE: Unknown.
From News Max Monday, 19 Aug 2013 11:18 AM By Alexandra Ward
Jane Fonda’s turn as Nancy Reagan in the new film “The Butler” is angering veterans across the country, and “Hanoi Jane” isn’t doing much to help the situation.
An infamously vocal liberal, Fonda sparked controversy in 1972 when she visited enemy territory in North Vietnam and was photographed sitting on top of an anti-aircraft battery. That picture and her opposition to the war — she was once quoted calling American soldiers murderers — earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.”
Now, veterans are outraged that “Hanoi Jane” is playing Nancy Reagan, beloved wife of staunch military supporter and conservative President Ronald Reagan, in Lee Daniels’ “The Butler.” Many veterans’ groups are picketing the film outside at their local movie theaters. . . . Read Complete Report
Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
Bilderberg Protests Set For Potential Disaster
From youtube uploaded by Pete Santilli on Jun 1, 2013
From youtube uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel
Bilderberg Caught Committing Dirty Tricks Against Press
Published on Jun 1, 2013
Its time for the world to unite against The Bilderberg Group and expose its intimidation of the press and their attack on free society.
Published on Jun 1, 2013
Its time for the world to unite against The Bilderberg Group and expose its intimidation of the press and their attack on free society.
Featured Image: Occupy Wall Street protesters. CREDIT: David Shankbone. (Public-Domain).
From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica
Published on May 23, 2013
The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund has obtained documents that prove OWS protesters encamped in Terry Schrunk Plaza in Portland, Oregon, were evicted for political and business reasons – not for the reasons the city stated, which were health and safety concerns. The documents also shed light on police activity in Boston and across the nation in terms of the OWS movement in general. The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) talks about the issue.
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From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica
Published on Apr 5, 2013
From coast-to-coast, human rights activists have launched a month-long protest against the use drones by the US government. Throughout the month of April, the “Days of Action” demonstrations will take it to the companies behind the construction of these robots in the sky. RT’s Ramon Galindo brings us more from San Diego, California.
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From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica
Published on Apr 3, 2013
This month protests against top secret drone program are planned all across the US. Activists demand to stop UAVs’ strikes that kill hundreds of people and violate the sovereignty of other countries. The first rally in the series of protests was held in New York City. RT’s Marina Portnaya has more.
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