Tag Archive for Romney

Mitt Romney: International Man of Mystery (Video Report)

This would fit into the “Where there is smoke there is fire” Dept. . . . EDITOR

from BrasscheckTV

Alexandra Bruce
October 19, 2012

This clip makes it pretty clear as to what Bain Capital and its CEO were up to throughout the 1990s and it explains the real source of Mitt Romney’s phenomenal success as an asset manager. So much of this information is publicly available, it is shocking that it’s never previously been presented so clearly. . . . Read Complete Report

Obama, Romney and the Tri­lat­eral Commission

A vote for Gary Johnson, Libertarian is the ONLY vote against the World Order plans of the Trilateral Commission.

EVERY vote for Obama or Romney will put in place another 4 years of Trilateral Commission control of our foreign policy and the continuing shredding of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Live Free! Vote Libertarian. . EDITOR

From The August Forecast and Review

Findings & Forecasts 10/17/2012


“Since Jimmy Carter in 1976, the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion has exe­cuted a hege­mony over each Admin­is­tra­tion, using their power and influ­ence to fur­ther their own narrow, self-interested goals. The first Obama admin­is­tra­tion was no dif­ferent. As I wrote in Obama: Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion Endgame,

“For anyone who doubts the Commission’s con­tin­uing influ­ence on Obama, con­sider that he has already appointed no less than eleven mem­bers of the Com­mis­sion to top-level and key posi­tions in his Administration.

“According to offi­cial Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion mem­ber­ship lists, there are only 87 mem­bers from the United States (the other 337 mem­bers are from other regions). Thus, in less than two weeks since his inau­gu­ra­tion, Obama’s appoint­ments encom­pass more than 12% of Commission’s entire U.S. membership” . . .


. . . “Repub­li­cans take note: If you think that a vote for Romney will be a vote against Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion hege­mony, you are wrong. They are already sur­rounding him just as they sur­rounded Obama. A Romney pres­i­dency will only extend the Tri­lat­eral con­tinuum for another four years, and allow them more time to create/complete their “New Inter­na­tional Eco­nomic Order” that they have been pushing since 1973.” . . . Read Complete Report


Photo: Limestone Technologies Inc. Polygraph Professional Suite. Computerized polygraph system. CREDIT: David Bethune SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons 

from World News Daily

Published: 18 hours ago

‘If they believe what they are saying is true, it is not picked up’

A company that announced it would run a lie detector test during the 2012 president debate in Denver Wednesday night says the results are inconclusive – but that doesn’t mean either candidate wasn’t lying.

It just means they believe what they were saying, according to officials with Get Liberty.org. . . . Read Complete Report

(1) or it could be – it shows how stupid and out of touch both wanna-be Controllers head puppets really are.

(2) And – it is common knowledge in law circles that a  Compulsive Liar can beat any lie detection devices.

Either reason for an ‘inconclusive’ reading  from someone debating for a job as our higest offical is scary. . . EDITOR

from youtube

How to Catch a Liar (Assuming We Want To)

Published on Oct 1, 2012 by 

How Mitt Dodged the Draft

Now its time for all the ‘right wingers’ to get mad at me. However we have to call them as we see them. Don’t waste your vote on either of the Controllers puppets. Vote Libertarian. Vote for Gary Johnson in November. . . . EDITOR

Photo: Mitt Romney speaking at the Values Voter Summit (Omni Shoreham Hotel) in Washington D.C. on October 7, 2011. CREDIT: Gage Skidmore SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

from Counter Punch



The Flight of the Young Chicken Hawk

May 1966.  Mitt Romney is just finishing his first—and only—year at Stanford.  I’m a 32-year-old ex-Strategic Air Command navigator and intelligence officer, now an associate professor in Stanford’s English Department and something of an anti-Vietnam War activist.

About a quarter of a million young American men are already being abducted each year to fight the rapidly-escalating Vietnam War.  Many college students, however, are protected by their 2S student deferments, which blatantly discriminate against all those millions of other young men unable to afford college.  As if this privileging of the relatively privileged were not sufficient, an outcry about “inequity” arises from administrations of some elite universities.  Since the 2S deferment is contingent on relatively high class rank (meaning, of course, academic class rank), they argue that this unfairly discriminates against some of the “best” students, i. e., all those attending schools like Stanford.  A man in the bottom quarter at an elite university might end up being drafted, even though he might be more “intelligent” than a man in the top quarter of some state college. . . . Read Complete Report


Go a LITTLE DEEPER: My Wasted Vote by Dennis Crenshaw – Editor

Hustler Magazine Offers Million Dollar Reward for Romney Tax Returns W/Original Reward Poster

Photo: Larry Flynt at the “Free Speech Coalition Awards Annual Bash Event” – Los Angeles, CA on Nov. 14, 2009 – Photo by Glenn Francis of www.PacificProDigital.com. Source: Wikimedia Commons

from ABC News

Sep 9, 2012 4:45pm

One of the nation’s top pornographers is offering a $1 million bounty for the publishing rights to a different kind of booty.

Larry Flynt and his publication, Hustler Magazine, have taken out a full-page advertisement in today’s Washington Post offering the reward for anyone who can bring them information on Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s “unreleased tax returns and/or details of his offshore assets, bank accounts, and business partnerships.”

“What is he hiding?” the ad asks in bold font, and tells readers the cash reward will be paid to anyone they publish with verifiable documentation of the former governor’s financial records. . . . Read Complete Report



Supreme Court Obamacare Decision Highlights Why a President Romney Would be More Dangerous than President Obama (w/video)

If we continue to put our country into the hands of the Republi-rats there will be no freedom for future generations in the upcoming fascist-socialist government planned for our children under the Controllers Republican and Democrat cartel.  Those who say a vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Presidential Candidate, is a wasted vote are wrong.
A vote for the controlling two parties is a real wasted vote and will do nothing to return America to the constitutional laws as passed by our forefathers. It’s up to us. By the time the next generation of Americans are able to vote I believe it will be too late. . . EDITOR 

  The World’s Smallest Political Quiz: Where do you fit?


Press Release

from The Libertarian Party: The Party of Principle

For Immediate Release
Thursday, June 28, 2012

A President Mitt Romney would not undo ObamaCare. He’d make it permanent.

The National Libertarian Party issued the following statement today:

The Supreme Court Ruling on ObamaCare does not matter. It will make little difference to America in the short run, and no difference in the long run.

Why? Because almost all elected Republicans and Democrats are Big Government politicians – in all things – including health care. After this Supreme Court decision, they will get back to work expanding government involvement in all things – especially health care.

One thing could make things worse. Electing Republican Mitt Romney President.

Why? . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Gary Johnson: Be Libertarian with me

Published on Jun 6, 2012 by 

Two-term Governor, Gary Johnson, says both parties are indistinguishable from one another. Both are keeping America broke. Both are keeping America at war. Both have trampled on the Constitution. And both are stooges to the same big money players that never change behind the scenes. It’s time to put our differences and our parties aside and come together as a nation for the good of all. We The People are ready to LIVE FREE.

Previous: Libertarian Freedom Fest hits the streets of Vegas (Video Report)

Romney Obama the Same? “There’s not a dimes worth of difference” (w/video)

I don’t know why those who claim to be conservative refuse to see that no matter whether it’s Obama or Romney. in the end, we’ll have the same results . . . no change . . . continuing down the same road to destruction. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. America’s last chance is Ron Paul. The Republicans had a chance to save our liberty but are too dumb as a group to see it. Read my lips, Romney and Obama answer to the same masters, the Controllers. . . .EDITOR

from AP

Who’s who? Obama, Romney projecting mirror image

By CONNIE CASS, Associated Press – 15 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — He’s a smug, Harvard-trained elitist who doesn’t get how regular Americans are struggling these days. More extreme than he lets on, he’s keeping his true agenda hidden until after Election Day. He’s clueless about fixing the economy, over his head on foreign policy. Who is he?

Your answer will help decide the next president.

Is it Barack Obama, as seen by Mitt Romney? Or Romney, the way Obama depicts him? For all their liberal versus conservative differences, when the two presidential contenders describe each other, they sound like they’re ragging on the same flawed guy. Or mirror images of that guy.

Will voters prefer the man waving with his left hand or his right? . . . Read Complete Article


from youtube  uploaded by WeAreRonPaul2012

Romney Vs Obama – Same Issues, Same Answers!

UPDATED: Published on Apr 23, 2012 by channel4truth2012

Romney loses to Paul in his own state

from Rumor Mill News

Reader Wayne: Romney loses to Paul in his own state
Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 3-May-2012 12:51:20

What may be the most embarrassing moment yet for Mitt Romney, during the race for the 2012 Republican Nomination, happened over the weekend in the very state in which he is the former Governor and calls home.

Ron Paul won.

Even though it was reported Sunday that Mitt Romney himself was apparently responsible for picking the slate of Massachusetts State Delegates he was hoping everyone would vote for, his delegates.

Unfortunately for Mitt Romney, that didn’t happen.

Instead, over half of the delegates he was hoping people would vote for never made it, including notable State Republicans such as the House Minority Leader and other state politicians who even wanted to remain nameless.

Romney lost so badly in his home state that Ron Paul supporters were even voted in as the majority of the Alternate-Delegates, spiting hopefuls that included a popular 2010 gubernatorial candidate and a prominent Sheriff. . . . Read Complete Report