Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode: Story #1: Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights http://bit.ly/2wq4w0z Journalist Interrogated & Sacked for Exposing CIA-NATO Arming of Terrorists http://bit.ly/2vBnz77 Story #2: CIA’s Secret Spy Tool Steals Biometric Data From Other Intelligence Agencies http://bit.ly/2xzVXR3#MorningMonarchy: CIA Built Fake Software Update System To Spy On Intel Partners http://bit.ly/2vucvN1
Breaking: Journalist Interrogated & Sacked for Exposing CIA-NATO Arming of Terrorists
An investigative journalist has been interrogated by government national security forces and fired from her job for documenting and exposing covert CIA-NATO operations directly arming ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists- A covert operation involving NATO, CIA, U.S.-based Mega Arms Trafficker(s), A Shady U.S. Organization Ran by Well-Known Deep State Players, and much more. Watch this Newsbud exclusive breaking story and investigative report, including our exclusive interview with investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a candid commentary by Sibel Edmonds, leaked documented evidence, and glaring direct connections to some of the biggest names and entities connected to the Deep State, and CIA-NATO Operation Gladio B. This is a preview of a Newsbud Community Members Exclusive. See Full Video Here: http://bit.ly/2vBnz77
Cuba has accused the U.S. of allowing American companies to “blatantly steal” some of the island’s most important brand names, following a court decision over the famous Cohiba cigar brand. . . . Read Complete Report
While this video may cause some of us to chuckle its actually something that should be watched closely. I have said all along that the Controllers goal is to create a work force of robots to replace complaining, money grabbing human workers. . . . EDITOR
Worried about people stealing jobs in this economy? Don’t blame humans; blame robots! Check out these new robotic developments that could ultimately take over the workforce, like the ice cream making Yaskawa-kun robot, the OLIVIA 2.1 mechanical receptionist and more. Maybe this is how robots will finally become dominant, by taking away our sources of income. How devious! . . . Text Posted with video.