Once again the hoaxer’s have used the internet to start a rumor of strangeness that spread from site to site like wildfire. While it might not be funny to those no nonsense “expert” investigators, I kind of like getting a chuckle out of these things once in a while. It helps to keep us from getting to serious about ourselves. And besides that it’s refreshing to see someone using new props. UFOs, unknown creatures, beautiful hitchhiking young ladies beside the graveyard who get into a car then disappear into the night … these have all been used too many times. The idea of metal boxes “floating” up onto beach is something even Roger Corman never thought of. . . . EDITOR
from beachconnections.net
Published 02/22/2012
(Florence, Oregon) – A rash of outrageous and hilariously odd stories about beach junk on the central Oregon coast turned a slightly dark corner last week when the claims about “mysterious metal boxes,” caused such a stir on the Net that various entities and individuals were forced to waste resources, man hours and money to either look for these objects or answer an irritatingly large tsunami of questions from over-excited media outlets. Still even less reputable websites engaged in a disturbing display of spreading unfounded claims, as some further embellished the original tale with even more preposterous yarns about a cover up, men in black on the beaches, secret ops helicopters and much more. . . Read Complete Report
First Report: http://thehollowearthinsider.com/archives/2409