Latest information on the unidentified sunken object in the Baltic Sea . . . EDITOR
Photo: Side scan sonar image of 197-foot-diameter unidentified
sunken object first discovered on June 19, 2011, 275 feet down
on the floor of the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland. Side scan
sonar image © 2011 by Ocean Explorer X-Team, Sweden. SOURCE
from Earthfiles
© 2012 by Linda Moulton Howe
On June 1, 2012, the Explorer X team set off on its second investigation of a 197-foot-diameter (60 meters) unidentified structure that is 275 feet down on the floor of the Baltic Sea some 60 nautical miles from nearest land between Sweden and Finland. First discovered on June 19, 2011, on the last day of a treasure hunting expedition to find sunken wrecks, a second smaller anomaly was also found 600 feet away. A few more puzzling details were seen this time on BlueView and Multibeam sonar before the team decided it was safe to send two divers down for a closer look. Peter Lindberg now compares the larger object to a concrete structure with 90-degree lines, vertical surfaces and is sitting on a smaller structure so it “looks like a champagne cork.” . . . Read Complete Report w/photos and illustrations