Tag Archive for surreal

Surreal Subterranean Space: Hand-Carved Cave for Sale

Submitted by ‘TAL’

Featured image: Hand Carved Cave for sale. CREDIT:  Artist Ra Paulette has spent the last 25 years carving a network of 14 caves beneath the desert of Northern New Mexico. SOURCE: Web Urbinist (Fair Use)

From Web Urbanist Article by Steph, filed under Houses & Residential in the Architecture category.

If you’ve always dreamed about having your very own network of cathedral-like hand-carved caves (who hasn’t?) you’re in luck – such a dreamscape can be yours for less than the average cost of a single-family home in San Francisco. Artist Ra Paulette has spent the last 25 years carving a network of 14 caves beneath the desert of Northern New Mexico with little more than a pick axe and a wheelbarrow, and one of the most impressive of them is now on the market. . . . Read Complete Report


First time-travel movies reveal surreal universe (Video)

From New Scientist TV posted by Sandrine Ceurstemont, editor, New Scientist TV

17:56 31 January 2013

Time travel in the real world isn’t yet possible. But thanks to new physics flicks, you can now experience an alternate universe to see what it might look like.

Developed by Wolfgang Schleich and colleagues at the University of Ulm in Germany, these first time-travel videos mathematically recreate the weird world of Gödel’s universe. In the first clip, a camera is placed at the centre of this cylindrical universe, simulating what an Earth-like object would look like. Because light behaves differently in this space, as the sphere moves away from you, you see an image of both the front and the back. If it moves above you, it appears as a collection of slices. During its orbit, you see many versions from different time periods all at once. . . . Read Complete Report