Tag Archive for ufos

More People Believe in UFOs Than God

from Gather News

October 14, 2012 01:25 PM EDT

by Sharon Katz

Member since: March 24, 2007


An interesting survey done in the United Kingdon shows that more people believe in UFOs than they believe in God. About 33.1 million people believe that there’s intelligent life on other planets and less than half the country, about 17.5 million people, believes that there’s a God.

Making things even more interesting, according to Bedford Today, 52% of the population believe that there’s evidence of unidentified flying objects and that the proof is being covered up because the stability of the government would be threatened. . . . Read Complete Report

From UFO disbeliever to believer

From StatesmanJournal.com

9:59 PM, Jun 22, 2012

Written by Jordan Hofer

I was trained in the sciences in a strictly academic orthodox manner.

I hold a bachelor’s of science in zoology with a minor in chemistry and a master’s in biocultural anthropology, both degrees obtained at Oregon State University — as orthodox a science institution there ever was. I then taught physical anthropology at this same university for seven years.

Paranormal phenomena, including UFOs and alien abductions, were anathema to me. I could not fit them into my naturalistic worldview.

First, my academic background simply would not allow it psychologically. UFOs were hallucinations, mass hysteria or some other conveniently explainable occurrence. Alien abduction experiences were the result of childhood trauma, possibly physical and sexual abuse.

Second, even if I wanted to explore the paranormal, I could not and dare not because of the restrictive intellectual atmosphere of collegiate academia. People lose their jobs for talking “crazy talk”!

But then something happened in late January 2007 that challenged my worldview and my strict scientific interpretation of the natural universe. . . . Read Complete Report

Retro: Flying Saucers & Missing Aircraft: Coincidence or Pattern? (w/video)

I believe this was the first ‘smoking gun’ in the government cover-up of what is going on in our skies. I also believe the U.S. Air Force has been neglected in its duty to recognize Captain Thomas Mantell as a true American hero and the first casualty in our continuing ‘war’ with the advanced civilization that shares our planet with us. . . EDITOR

from bermuda-triangle.org

It all began, surprisingly, with a retired US Marine Major, Donald E. Keyhoe. He had written a book about Charles Lindbergh (Flying with Lindbergh) and had written articles for True Magazine relating to military matters. When flying saucers hit the spreadsheets in 1947 and aggravatingly would not go away he seemed a logical and credible choice to look into it.
At first, little serious interest was given to their existence, and even less interest was accorded the idea that they were from outer space. But the stories persisted. Then something phenomenal happened. Captain Thomas Mantell, a pilot in the KYANG (Kentucky Air National Guard) supposedly chased a huge flying saucer on January 7, 1948, near Godman Field and was destroyed in the pursuit.
The incident happened at absolutely the wrong time. The scare over flying saucers was at an absolute high. Only a week before this on December 30, 1947, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal had signed Project Sign into effect. Its actual name was not known by the public at that time, so it was popularly known as Project “Saucer.” The Air Force was now officially investigating flying saucers. The day after Mantell’s death the papers read “Saucer Attack.” Two weeks after Mantell’s death, Sign officially started its investigations. This was their first case, and a number of them were already primed to believe that Mantell really died while chasing a genuine flying saucer. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Uploaded by on Oct 24, 2011

From TV Sightings 1996


GO DEEPER: UFOs Extra-terrestrial or Co-Planetarian

Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former MoD UFO expert Nick Pope

Photo: UFO expert Nick Pope. SOURCE (Public Domain)

from the Daily Mail (UK)

By Eddie Wrenn

PUBLISHED: 08:11 EST, 7 June 2012 | UPDATED: 10:13 EST, 7 June 2012

  • UFO expert Nick Pope says massive summer events like the Olympics would be a prime time for an alien encounter
  • Ministry of Defence ‘has planned for the worst outcomes – attack and invasion’
  • ‘We should be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable’

One of the UK’s top UFO experts has given his views on the likelihood of aliens suddenly appearing in our skies – and how the international community would respond.

Nick Pope, who has more than two decades under his belt at the Ministry of Defence, said mass summer events – like the Olympic Games in London – would be a prime time for crafts from otherworlds to present themselves to mankind.

He warned: ‘With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable.” . . . Read Complete Report

The Navajo Rangers investigating UFOs (VIDEO)

PHOTO: Navajo Rangers Dover and Milford. Credit (Open Minds)

from OpenmindsTV

| May 25, 2012

The Navajo Rangers have been modestly performing their duties on the reservation for more than fifty years now. The group has seen their numbers decline due to funding, but have remained dedicated to the needs of their people. Jonathan Dover and Stanley Milford provide law enforcement, public education, preventive patrols, and regulatory enforcement to the reservation as Navajo Rangers. And they keep open minds when unique cases come forward. Their investigations have included UFO sightings, paranormal cases, and big foot. Examining these occurrences has led to an array of skepticism from other law enforcement agencies. . . .Read Complete Report

Are We Visiting US from the Future or is it all Alien Intrusion ?

Found this most interesting article on the site: Chris Holly’s Paranormal World. I have often thought of many of the same things. I thought I’d pass it along. Enjoy! . . . EDITOR

Are We Visiting US from the Future or is it all Alien Intrusion?

by Chris Holly

For many years I did not consider UFO’s , abduction or lost time events were in any way connected to time travel.  I did not believe humans could time travel or that they would return to the past if they could.

I have had a bit of a change in my opinion about this since I have been writing about these subjects along with my own personal encounters with the unknown.  I now feel it is as much a possible answer or an added problem besides Aliens that humans from the future may be those visiting , taking and using the humans of our time now.

I feel this way as I realize we are heading full speed ahead in to a dangerous error of mixing man with machine. I feel it is not impossible we continued down this path until we became as much or perhaps more machine than living biological life. If  this is what our future holds it is not illogical that we lost our way and our ability to continue producing the DNA and other human biological needed elements needed to continue producing human life.  If our future holds a hybrid human who is developed rather than born we may have lost our ability to reproduce without the need of  pure human beings. . . . finish on  web site

Oregon Coast UFO Boxes Hoax Heats Up, Disrupts Lives

Once again the hoaxer’s have used the internet to start a rumor of strangeness that spread from site to site like wildfire. While it  might not be funny to those no nonsense “expert” investigators, I kind of like getting a chuckle out of these things once in a while. It helps to keep us from getting to serious about ourselves. And besides that it’s refreshing to see someone using new props. UFOs, unknown creatures, beautiful hitchhiking young ladies beside the graveyard who get into a car then disappear into the night … these have all been used too many times. The idea of metal boxes “floating” up onto beach is something even Roger Corman never thought of. . . . EDITOR

from beachconnections.net

Published 02/22/2012

(Florence, Oregon) – A rash of outrageous and hilariously odd stories about beach junk on the central Oregon coast turned a slightly dark corner last week when the claims about “mysterious metal boxes,” caused such a stir on the Net that various entities and individuals were forced to waste resources, man hours and money to either look for these objects or answer an irritatingly large tsunami of questions from over-excited media outlets. Still even less reputable websites engaged in a disturbing display of spreading unfounded claims, as some further embellished the original tale with even more preposterous yarns about a cover up, men in black on the beaches, secret ops helicopters and much more. . . Read Complete Report

First Report: http://thehollowearthinsider.com/archives/2409

F16 jetfighter in dogfight with UFOs over Denmark?

from UFOpicturesandphotos.com

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Danish F16 jetfighter in dogfight with UFOs over Denmark sounds like pure fiction, but I think there may actually be some truth here, especially when you study the pictures I am presenting further below. On July 6, 2010 at 12.45 pm, I was in Odense city at the street Vestre Stationsvej and had accidentally a camera with me, when I heard the roar of a fighter plane in the skies over me in a north-westerly direction. There were some clouds in the sky that day and I did not succeed to see the plane, which probably have been a Danish F16 jetfighter, but I could hear it clearly and it sounded as though the pilot up there used afterburner a few times with short intervals and I got the feeling, that he frantically tried to get into position to something up there. Instinctively, I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures in the direction the sound came from and this resulted in a total of 13 images, where 10 of them might be interesting for UFO enthusiasts. I did not make any visual contact with the UFOs while I photographed, so unfortunately, I did not have a live UFO sighting. . . . Read complete report