Tag Archive for ultimate

Whistleblowers & NSA Spying: The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory (video Report)

Featured Image: Steam Whistle SOURCE allthingsclipart.com (Public-Domain).

From youtube uploaded by Red Pill Philosophy on Jun 18, 2013

The Ultimate Reality Show: Search for First Mars Colonists to Begin in July

Featured Image: Planet Mars. CREDIT: NASA (Public Domain)

From IntelHub

Mars One announced that it will begin searching for its first Mars colonists in July 2013.

by Jason McClellan 

Open Minds
April 17, 2013

The company plans to establish the first colony on Mars in 2023. Mars One will televise a two-year search for the initial four astronauts. According to Space.com, Mars One “will begin accepting application videos in July, charging a fee to weed out folks who aren’t serious about their candidacy.” The maximum fee will reportedly be $25, but will vary by country. . . . Read Complete Report

The US Communists’ Ultimate Goal: Population Control (+) Nixon Talks Population Control (Video) & Full Documentary: Agenda 21- Codex- Fema Camps-80% Depopulation

Featured Photo: United Nations General Assembly Hall in the UN Headquarters, New York, NY. CREDIT:  Basil D Soufi SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain).

From The Western Center for Journalism

APRIL 6, 2013 BY 

As we all know, in order to have the “perfect” communist utopia (otherwise known as the new world order), the population will have to be controlled in order to make it sustainable. I will now list a few things that are being pushed not only by the United Nations, but by our own liberal/communists who serve in very high government posts.

First, and the most obvious, abortion and free birth control. A population cannot grow with these things being readily available. . . . Read Complete Report


From youtube uploaded by nwsonsofliberty

Actual Recording: Richard Nixon Talks Population Control 

Uploaded on Jan 4, 2011

This clip is taken from a documentary called Maafa 21, it’s a history of modern eugenics and population control. In this clip you hear the actual voice of Richard Nixon candidly speaking about population reduction and the elite superclass that controls the effort.


From youtube uploaded by mathenyahu on Feb 15, 2011

Agenda 21- Codex- Fema Camps-80% Depopulation = New World Order (Full Documentary)

Jungle Trip ~ in search of the ultimate trip: Ayahuasca (full video)

Now here is a guy who whittled out his spot in the world THEN went out and created it. I mean, Getting paid to find the other half of the formula for the ultimate high!

Where do you sign up?. . . EDITOR

from Forbidden Knowledge TV

Alexandra Bruce
October 10, 2012

“When I was in High School in Brazil, one of my aunts was a member of the religious group called Uniao do Vegetal. My grandmother described what their meetings were like. There were children everywhere and everyone there helped to chop and boil the tough jungle vines and roots to make ayahuasca tea.” . . . Alexandra Bruce