Tag Archive for UN-Marked

100-Plus UN-Marked MRAPS Deploy To Camp Grayling; FEMA Camps Prepare For Civil Unrest

Featured Image: MRAP, FPI Cougar HE in testing. CREDIT United States Department of Defense SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

From youtube uploaded by Bobby Powell

Published on Oct 25, 2013

1st_MaxxPros_in_Iraq SOURCE Wikipedia Commons Public Domain

Image:  The first shipments of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles arrived at Camp Liberty in western Baghdad. CREDIT: PD-USGOV-MILITARY. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain) 


Using secondary roads and traveling only at night, truckers from more than a dozen four truck convoys have made their way from the west coast to Camp Grayling in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula where they unloaded their cargo: More than 100 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles – MRAPs. . . From Description published with video.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Martial Law”