UN Treaty Supersedes Marijuana Legalization Laws as US In Violation
By Shepard Ambellas
March 7, 2013
In a new move and a push from the UN backed International Narcotics Control Board along with a handful of former DEA administrators are now trying to halt the legalization of marijuana in Washington and Colorado. The group plans to coax president Obama to block or reverse the laws in the states that have adopted them.
However, enthusiasts of the laws claim that the states our outside of the treaty and are responsible for their own laws within. . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube uploaded by Mike Fulmer
The U.N. Deception – Full Documentary
Uploaded on Dec 26, 2010
http://jbs.org | The U.N. Deception (United Nations) Learn how top United Nations proponents exploit small arms, the enviroment, and justice to pressure Capitol Hill into quietly surrendering America’s heritage of freedom. The U.N. Deception reports what the nightly news does not: The UN’s creators intended that their organization would become a world government and that Americans would be subservient to it. Should these UN plans remain unopposed the consequences are ultimately grim.
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