Google, Amazon, Facebook may shut down to stop SOPA


Google, Amazon, Facebook may shut down to stop SOPA

Michelle Schusterman
Matador Network
Sun, 30 Dec 2012 16:49 CST

Despite many protests, things are still looking pretty good for SOPA to pass next month. While every little bit helps – things like writing to your representatives – the NetCoalition may be pulling out the big guns.

The coalition, which includes AOL, Google, Facebook, eBay, PayPal, Twitter, Wikipedia, and Yahoo! (among others), is considering a complete black-out – temporarily shutting down their sites with a message informing visitors about the dangers of SOPA and urging them to take action before it’s too late. From CNET: . . . Read Complete Report

One comment

  1. You are a very smart person!

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