Featured Image: Cap-Gun CREDIT: Atomicsteve. (public domain).
Back in my day we played “Cowboys and Indians” (sorry my Native American friends, but that’s what we called it) in the school yard! Of course, I must admit, I’m a Texas Boy.
If the stories of government VS kids and toy guns keeps up we’ll have to start a whole new catagory, “Toy guns, brainwashing and kids” or something like that. . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded MOXNEWSd0tC0M· by Published on June 09, 2013 CNN
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER: Government VS Kids and their Toy Guns:
1/21/13 Gunfight Overload: Hello Kitty Bubble Gun Gets Kindergartner Suspended
And then there is this: 6/6/13 True Gun Control: N.Y. boy, 10, fires intruder’s gun to scare him off (W Video)
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