If this is a “phony scandal” as Obama claims why is the administration worrying about what the witnesses have to say? Maybe Benghazi isn’t as phony as pathological liar Obama would have us believe, eh? . . . EDITOR
From News Max Friday, 02 Aug 2013 12:24 PM
Report: CIA Personnel Pressured to Keep Quiet About Benghazi
By Jim Meyers
While the Obama administration is seeking to bury the Benghazi controversy by calling it a “phony scandal,” new disclosures about the attack on American diplomatic personnel last September are keeping it very much alive.
At least five CIA employees have been forced to sign new nondisclosure agreements aimed at discouraging them from leaking their stories to the media, even though they had signed such agreements prior to the attacks, according to Fox News. . . . Read Complete Report
From CNN 7/1/13
By Dick Morris on August 2, 2013
Benghazi May Have Been Center For Covert Arms To Syrian Rebels In CIA Op; Secrecy Is To Avoid Iran-Contra Type Exposure
CNN’s Jake Tapper broke new ground yesterday by reporting that there were 35 CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi at the time of the September, 2012 raid. But the questions loom: What were they doing there? And why was the Administration so desperate to cover-up their presence that it administered polygraph tests to stop leaking and had agents use aliases?
Answers to these questions were ventured by James Horn, a former intelligence operative and the author of the 2011 book Experiencing Islam. Horn spoke on The Dick Morris Show on WPHT 1210 AM in Philadelphia. . . . Read Complete Report
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