Featured image: Strange Sounds CREDIT: Thanx to David Dees.
These sounds have been heard and recorded from at least the 1950’s and were determined many years ago to be coming from underground. [ See Secret of the Ages – UFOs from Inside the Earth (1974) by Brinsley Le Poer Trench]
But today’s Controllers want us to believe that they are coming from the sky. The only mention of the possible underground source is the first sentence in the report below. If they have determined positivly that these sounds come from the sky then why even mention that possibility of them coming from the interior of the earth? Could it be to protect their asses if the truth comes out?. . . EDITOR
From The Blaze Sep. 1, 2013 9:15am Oliver Darcy
” According to CBC News, multiple residents in Terrace, British Columbia were awoken by a loud whining noise which seemed to be falling down from the sky or rising from deep below the earth’s surface.” [Bold font added by THEI staff]
“”It seemed to be coming from the sky or underground, something so loud though. And I believe it was heard in Hazelton, which is close to here, and as far as the Nass,” said Mandi Campbell, who heard the noises Thursday morning”. Read Complete Report.
From youtube uploaded by Kimberly Wookey
Strange Sounds in Terrace, BC Canada August 29th 2013 7:30am
Published on Aug 29, 2013
This is the second time I have heard these sounds here in Terrace BC Canada. First time was back in June 19th 2013 but it was not quite as intense . . . From Description uploaded with video.
From youtube uploaded by SkywatchMedia
Strange Noises in Canada Create Cloud of Fear
Uploaded on Jan 26, 2012
There’s been a lot of buzz over the last few weeks about strange sounds being heard in the atmosphere. People around the world and here at home have reported hearing some bizarre noises. The latest were recorded in the Battlefords last weekend. . . . From Description uploaded with video
From youtube uploaded by TheGiftlaker on Jan 13, 2012
Strange sounds in Conklin, Alberta Jan. 12/2012
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