This is typical of our so-called-leaders; they named the package used to take basic freedoms away from Americans “The Patriot Act”.
So, now the law to take away the freedom to be a citizen reporter or start your own site like this one, is being called, “Free Flow of Information Act” which is actually being put in place to STIFLE the free flow of information. Let’s see if this obviously unconstitutional law will stand the trip through our crooked government. . .EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by The Young Turks
Published on Sep 18, 2013
“The fact that the US Senate is now defining what a journalist actually is sets a dangerous precedent threatening the present marketplace of ideas that in recent history has been greatly expanded by the internet.
Sept. 17, 2013: False Flag Legislation to Turn Free Speech Into a Privilege. (Video Report)
Sept. 16. 2013: Senate Moves Forward on Media Laws; Hayden Calls for Chinese-style Internet (Video Report)
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