Featured Image: The “Baker” explosion, part of Operation Crossroads, a nuclear weapon test by the United States military at Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, on 25 July 1946. CREDIT: Operation_Crossroads_Baker_(wide).jpg: United States Department of Defense (either the U.S. Army or the U.S. Navy) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
- derivative work: Victorrocha (talk)
Any propaganda in the “Public Service” films below? You think?. . . EDITOR
From IntelliHub By Shepard Ambellas | October 20, 2013 | 2:43am EST | Editorial
Words can’t describe the pain and suffering endured by survivors of the tragic 12-year wave of terror unleashed by the U.S. Government.
MICRONESIA, THE REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS (INTELLIHUB) – 67 nuclear tests took place starting in 1946 and many living things, including humans, have been affected by the aftermath of radiation plumes released both undersea and in the earth’s atmosphere by the U.S. Government. In fact at the time it was unknown if any of the test explosions would actually fully ignite the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere, possibly even decimating the entire surface of the planet.
“The Marshall Islands, officially the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Marshallese: Aolepān Aorōkin M̧ajeļ),is an island country located in the northern Pacific Ocean. Geographically, the country is part of the larger island group of Micronesia, with the population of 68,480 people spread out over 24 low-lying coral atolls, comprising 1,156 individual islands and islets. The islands share maritime boundaries with the Federated States of Micronesia to the west, Wake Island to the north, Kiribati to the south-east, and Nauru to the south. The most populous atoll is Majuro, which also acts as the capital.”, reads Wikipedia.org’s opening paragraph on the region.[1] Nonetheless, testing ensued. . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by nuclearvault
Project Crossroads – Nuclear Test Film (1946)
Uploaded on Jun 4, 2010
Courtesy: U.S. Department of Energy
0800002 – Project Crossroads – 1946 – 41:30 – Black & White – Project Crossroads was a series of two nuclear tests, Able and Baker, the first tests conducted at the Pacific Proving Ground, near the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
From youtube uploaded by nuclearvault
Operation Wigwam – Underwater Nuclear Test Film (1955)
Uploaded on Jun 7, 2010
Courtesy: U.S. Department of Energy
0800018 – Operation Wigwam, Commander’s Report – 1955 – 35:45– Color – The U.S. Navy, envisioning a war in which atomic depth charges would be used, wanted to learn how much of a nuclear blast a well-built submarine could take. The submarine Skate had not withstood the BAKER explosion of Operation Crossroads. . . From Description included with video.
From youtube uploaded by Александр Степанов
Nuclear Explosions. Trinity and Beyond. Full HD.
Published on Sep 4, 2012
Video by www.AtomCentral.com
A nuclear explosion occurs as a result of the rapid release of energy from an intentionally high-speed nuclear reaction. . . . From Description published with video.
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