The ‘TAL’ Zone Report #4 Addendum
Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL”
In regards to Comet Ison;
First, read this report from Science Direct: The Carrington event Add in ISON and Earth.
Image: This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope picture shows C/2012 S1, better known as Comet ISON, a high-profile celestial visitor to the Solar System. CREDIT: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons Attribution: ESA/Hubble
We saw what ISON did to Mars when it passed.
It caused the entire planet to glow with plasma.
Electrically charged particles even discharged from Mars and shot into space.
Is it possible that if our Earth gets charged from ISON we could suddenly find ourselves on parts of our globe without power.Preemptive messages to prepare would panic the public. Law and order would break down almost instantly along with the economy. Who would work? All savings would be withdrawn to buy items which would run out within the first week of panic buying, long before the event actually happened. Economic meltdown is a far easier way to keep order until the last minute.
Speculating aside,We will know shortly – November 12-18th, 2013.
Just some thoughts . . . You are leaving the ‘TAL’ Zone.
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