Featured Image: Red Cloud, close-up in his war bonnet. CREDIT: Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs. Pine Ridge Agency. (1878 – 09/17/1947) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
from youtube uploaded by breakingtheset·
How Red Cloud Defeated the US Army with Tom Clavin and Bob Drury
Published on Nov 20, 2013
Abby Martin speaks with authors Tom Clavin and Bob Drury about their brand new book, ‘The Heart of Everything That Is’, which highlights the life and legacy of American Indian leader Red Cloud, who was the only Native American to ever defeat the US Army in a war. They also discuss the dire state of today’s Native Americans and what factors are leading to their second-class status in the US.
From youtube uploaded by zacuan
Native Voices: Red Cloud
Uploaded on Mar 8, 2007
A new series that will focus on the words of American Indians. Chief Red Cloud is our first voice.
From youtube uploaded by Libby Lagadi
America : Welcome to the Reservation with Russell Means A+ documentary
Published on Aug 27, 2012
The United States has become one large Reservation with Russell Means (http://www.youtube.com/peoplejustlikeus)
Image: Hempcrete blocks. Industrial hemp is used to make Hempcrete, a material used for building concrete blocks . CREDIT: Olivier DUPORT. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)
From Wikipedia:
Industrial Hemp
” After doing research and noting the worldwide market for hemp, in July 1998, the Tribal Council approved ‘industrial hemp agriculture’ for the reservation. With demand high for the crop, three Lakota farmers, Tom Cook, his wife Afraid of Bear and American Horse grandson of Chief American Horse formed the Slim Butte Land-Use Association.[100] To emphasize the issue of Sioux sovereignty in land use, they publicly announced the first planting of industrial hemp seeds on April 29, 2000, on the 132nd anniversary of the signing of the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, which established the reservation. The Association believed production of industrial hemp-based concrete could help solve the severe shortage of suitable dwellings on the reservation, as it is a sustainable construction material, and work for the unemployed. Hemp can also be processed to yield oil for cooking and other products. . . . In August 2000 and July 2001, federal DEA agents destroyed industrial hemp crops on the Pine Ridge reservation.” . . . From “Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (Wikipedia)
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Industrial Hemp”
From youtube uploaded by TheLonelyBearCub
A Tribute to Red Cloud
Uploaded on Jul 27, 2011
The song used is a traditional Sioux Chant.
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Native American Indians”
Dig EVEN DEEPER ~ THEI Classic Archive: Secret Underground Tunnels:
The Meso-American Connection (1996) by Dennis Crenshaw
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