THEI BugOut Information Page #4
Featured Image: The AR-15 is a lightweight, intermediate cartridge magazine-fed, air cooled rifle with a rotating-lock bolt, actuated by direct impingement gas operation or long/short stroke piston operation. It has been produced in many different versions, including numerous semi-automatic and selective fire variants. It is manufactured with extensive use of aluminum alloys and synthetic materials. . . . continue on Wikipedia (Public Domain)
From Choose Liberty
I just received this a letter from the Ron Paul folks at C4L. They will be giving away one Colt AR-15 and you have just as good a chance as the next guy of carrying it home. Sign-up before 11:59 PM EDT on Tuesday, September 30, 2014.
Editor’s note: Be nice to have this addition to your personal ‘BugOut’ arsenal at no cost to you.
Click here to enter the giveaway now!
Not sure if this is exactly the same rifle being given away,but it will give you an Idea of what you could win. . . . EDITOR
youtube from VuurwapenBlog Uploaded on Jan 16, 2011
Why the AR-15 is Good – and a Good AR-15 is Better
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Bugout”
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