The Aliens Have Landed in Indianapolis! This will mark the fourth year in a row that this author has attended StarBase Indy. And it is always a fun time. Hanging out with the stars (and fans) of Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, or Star Wars, is an interesting conflagration of weird make up, costumes, (currently) impossible technological gadgets and gizmos, maybe a little magic and time travel for good measure. And it’s an escapist dream come true. Last year I went in my character of Jabez Cain, time-travelling mercenary slash troubadour.
Oz emerges from the Stargate at Starbase Indy 2013 . Image (c) Tuff Shake
As a truly unique experience, Starbase Indy is right up there with a tenth row seat at a Weird Al Yankovik stage production: Amazing fun, amazing costumes, amazing organization and coordination. It all leaves you wondering just what the hell happened and when can we do it again? This year, in addition to promoting my books and magazines, we’re there showcasing our newly incorporated enterprise, Possum Holler Entertainment, LLC. Video and audio capture, editing, mixing, reproduction, and performance support, event coordination and promotion. Stop by our table to hear or view some sample pieces and discuss what we can do for you.
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